Karly Macon, DVM, MS, CVA Certified Veterinary Acupuncturist


Dr. Macon is a 2007 graduate of the College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences at Colorado State University. Dr. Macon also received a Master of Science degree in Physiology from CSU. For several years after graduation she practiced in British Columbia, Canada before moving back to the States in 2011. Dr. Macon loves the challenge and variety of mixed animal practice. She is certified in Medical Acupuncture for Veterinarians and enjoys practicing acupuncture on everything from dwarf rabbits to draft horses. Dr. Macon’s other special interests include small animal ultrasonography and exotic mammal medicine and surgery. She spends her free time working horses, camping in the mountains, meditating, and traveling.
Questions Answered by Karly Macon, DVM, MS, CVA Certified Veterinary Acupuncturist