Updated On September 13th, 2018
Pet's info: Dog | American Pit Bull Terrier | Female | unspayed | 11 lbs
Answered By Karly Macon, DVM, MS, CVA Certified Veterinary Acupuncturist 124
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It's possible that Sophie has an upset stomach, but if she seems fine and is eating normally and otherwise healthy, she is likely not ill. It is very normal for dogs to eat small amounts of grass. Dogs are by nature omnivores, and so require some fiber/plant material for a healthy digestive system. Most well-balanced dog foods have adequate fiber content to take care of this need, but some dogs still like to eat grass. However, dogs do sometimes eat large quantities of grass because it can induce vomiting, and this can be a way that dogs naturally self-stimulate emesis in order to feel better if they are nauseated from some other cause. If Sophie seems depressed, lethargic, has repeated vomiting and diarrhea, or stops eating, she needs to see the vet to make sure something more serious is not going on. Hope that helps!
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