You can breed a sister and brother but is is not recommended because this is considered in-breeding and poses the risk of selecting for certain genes that can lead to increased chance of a lot of disease processes and abnormalities.
Read MoreTypically, female dogs can be bred on days 9-14 after the start of their cycle. Since it can be very difficult to know the very first day of the cycle, I would recommend progesterone testing with a vet to know the appropriate timing. Alternatively, you can allow the male to breed her when he is ready, since they often know the perfect time.
Read MorePit Bull-type dogs - the American Kennel Club does not recognize a specific purebred dog as a Pit Bull - have been implicated in a higher-than-average number of bite and fighting incidents. However, these dogs have also been trained to fight by nefarious individuals, and that has contributed to their aggressive reputation. As a group of dogs, Pit Bulls are smart and loyal, but like any dogs, when trained to be vicious, they will be vicious.
Read MorePixie is so cute! Yes, sometimes short-nosed dogs like Pixie need a surgery to widen their nostrils so they can breathe easier. Your veterinarian will be able to determine if this surgery is needed, and when to perform the surgery. Some vets like to wait until a dog is full grown, but it can be done at any age. Hope this helps!
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