Can you breed a sister and brother from different litters?

Updated On February 15th, 2016

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Answered By Destini R. Holloway, DVM


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You can breed a sister and brother but is is not recommended because this is considered in-breeding and poses the risk of selecting for certain genes that can lead to increased chance of a lot of disease processes and abnormalities.

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Other Answers

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    Answered By Bette Isacoff

    Dog Trainer

    Even though they are from different litters, they still have the same sire and dam. Therefore, they are too closely related to be bred to each other.

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    Answered By Andrea M. Brodie, DVM


    In the interest of genetic diversity it is not recommended. Brother X Sister is called "inbreeding". Inbreeding is used to enhance positive traits as the chance of these traits being manifested in offspring is heightened. Unfortunately, unwanted traits also manifest much easier, so inbreeding is reserved for only the most educated breeders. So while it is possible, I do not recommend inbreeding.

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