I'm sorry in advance for the content of my question, but my dog is a purebred husky, almost 3 years old, spayed around 18 months, I am noticing the outside of her vulva looks like "dirty" splotches, I really dont know how else to describe it, and there was the smallest amount of like a light brown discharge- but I couldn't get a photo, the picture included -kind of- shows the splotches. This is my first dog, so I feel kinda clueless when it comes to what is abnormal...
Updated On August 31st, 2022
Pet's info: Dog | Siberian Husky | Female | spayed | 2 years and 8 months old | 55 lbs
Answered By Dr. Strydom, DVM 105
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Hello, thank you for using PetCoach. It is unfortunately very difficult for me to tell based on this one photo if this is normal or abnormal. I suggest you take her to your vet for an exam. It would be abnormal for a spayed female dog to have vaginal discharge. If there is discharge, it either means there could be a stump pyometra or some type of urinary issue as both the reproductive and urinary systems empty into the same area. If the skin around the vulva is discolored this can often be normal but can also indicate a skin infection. It is best if you have a vet examine her in person. Hope this helps. Best wishes.
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