I bought this chick a week ago with 2 others but didn’t have a choice when choosing as they came from a big breeder. She/he came with no feathers around the neck and recently noticed it hasn’t got any around the chest and bum area and have also noticed that it’s poo is runny and dark most of the time. But the 2 others are in good condition. It’s my fist time owning chicks. It is a sussex breed
Updated On August 16th, 2022
Pet's info: Farm Animal | Farm Chicken | Female | unspayed | 27 days old
Answered By Jessica Desrosiers 40
Veterinary Technician
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It's possible the chick is getting picked on or has parasites that are causing the feather loss and runny stool. A medicated feed, deworming, and treating for any external parasites is a good idea. If the other chicks are pecking at it, removing it to a hospital cage for a few days and then reintroducing it to the flock is best to allow for time to recover and heal. I would also make sure there is a heat lamp provided until the feathers have come in.
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