5 Most Popular Hamster Breeds: Which is Right for Me?

Updated On November 1st, 2024

There are many kinds of hamsters, but the five most common are Syrians, Dwarf Campbell Russians, Dwarf Winter White Russians, Roborovski Dwarfs, and Chinese. Each breed has its own distinctive characteristics that distinguish it from the other breeds.

Syrian Hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus)

Syrian hamsters, also known as Goldens or Teddy Bear hamsters, are the most popular hamsters kept as pets. They are very easy to handle and make wonderful pets for children. However, they are not social with other hamsters and should be kept alone after 10 weeks of age. If housed together, Syrian hamsters can actually fight until they kill each other. Syrian hamsters are nocturnal and are rarely active during the day.

Syrian hamsters come in a variety of colors and they are one of the largest hamsters at a length of 4 to 7 inches when full grown, depending on the sex. Females can grow larger than the males, which reach only about 6 inches long. They have a very short tail, large cheek pouches, and small eyes. The average life span of a Syrian hamster is approximately 2 to 2-1/2 years, though they have been known to live as long as 4 years.

Dwarf Campbell Russian Hamsters (Phodopus campbelli)

Dwarf Campbell Russian hamsters are more social than Syrian hamsters, and they can be kept in same sex pairs or groups of their breed as long as they are introduced at a young age. They aren't quite as responsive to handling as Syrians and may nip if they feel nervous or threatened. They still make good pets, but they require more supervision of both the child and pet during interactions. Though they are nocturnal, they are often awake for short periods during the day.

Dwarf Campbell Russians are very small, reaching a maximum size of only 4 inches long as adults. The natural coat color is a grayish-brown fur on the back with a darker strip of color down the spine, a creamier color on the sides, and a white abdomen. Dwarf Campbell Russians can be found in a variety of colors however, due to selective breeding. The average life span of a Dwarf Campbell Russian is about 2 years.

Dwarf Winter White Russian Hamsters (Phodopus sungorus)

Dwarf Winter White Russian Hamsters are similar in behavior to Dwarf Campbell Russians in that they are nocturnal but can be found being active during the day and can be kept in same sex pairs or groups. However, they do not have the reputation for biting when nervous, and they are generally very sweet and personable. They are very small and quick, so they can be a challenge for young children to handle safely.

Dwarf Winter White Russians come in three colors: sapphire, pearl, and a combination of the two called sapphire-pearl. Pearl is a white pattern where white hairs are sprinkled throughout the coat, and sapphire is a purple-gray color. Sapphire Winter White Russians have a gray undercoat, a thick gray stripe along their spines, and an ivory colored abdomen.

Dwarf Winter White Russians are very small and compact, measuring only 3-1/2 to 4 inches long as full grown adults. Because they are so tiny, an aquarium is generally a safer housing choice than a wire habitat. The average life span of a Dwarf Winter White Russian hamster is about 2 years.

Roborovski Dwarf Hamsters (Phodopus roborovski)

Roborovski Dwarfs are another nocturnal social breed of hamster that do well in small same sex pairs or groups if they are introduced at a young age. They are sweet hamsters that do not usually nip. Though they have good temperaments, they are generally better for observation than for handling because of their size and agility. They should only be handled where they will be easy to catch if they get away from you and all attempts should be made to prevent them from falling as doing so from even a short distance can cause severe injuries.

Roborovski hamsters are sandy brown with a white abdomen, white marks over their eyes, and occasionally a white face. They are the smallest of the most popular hamster breeds, reaching an adult size of  2 inches long. The average life span of a Roborovski is longer than any of the other common hamster breeds at 3 to 3-1/2 years.

Chinese Hamsters (Cricetulus griseus)

Chinese hamsters, also known as Striped hamsters or Chinese Striped hamsters, are not generally social with other hamsters, but there have been some people who have been able to successfully house them together. However, it's best to be safe and house them individually. Although they can be aggressive towards each other, they are good-natured towards people, slightly timid, and they rarely bite. They are active for short periods throughout the day, but their most active period is at night.

Chinese hamsters are often mistakenly referred to as dwarf hamsters. At about 4 inches long when full grown, they are similar in size to other dwarf hamsters. However, they are not true dwarfs. Chinese hamsters have a body type that is similar to a rat or mouse -- long and slender. There are two colors of Chinese hamsters. The first and most common is an agouti coat with a dark brown back, a black line of fur along the spine, and an ivory colored abdomen. The other color is called a "dominant spot," and it is a white coat with spots of color. The average life span of Chinese hamsters is about 2 to 3 years.

Frequently-Asked Questions About Popular Hamster Breeds

What breed of hamster has the longest lifespan?
Hamsters typically live between 2 to 3 years. Some breeds, however, have longer average lifespans. Roborovski dwarf hamsters have been known to live the longest, with the average about 3 – 3 ½  years. What breed of hamster is best suited for kids?
Syrian hamsters, also known as Goldens or Teddy Bear hamsters, are among the most popular choices for children. Several other breeds are also kid-friendly, just smaller and faster which may make them harder for children to handle. As with any pet, closely supervise all interactions between a child and hamster to assure that both the pet and child remain safe.

What type of hamster is the friendliest?
Syrian hamsters and Dwarf Winter White Russian hamsters are known for being extremely personable. Many other breeds are also friendly and social with humans.

What is the most social breed of hamster?
Hamsters are generally solitary creatures that enjoy socializing with people. However, some breeds, if raised together in same-sex pairs or groups enjoy the company of other hamsters.

What kind of hamster is the calmest?
 A well-socialized one!  Taking the time to socialize, tame, and train your hamster as well as providing them physical and mental enrichment can help calm your furry friend down!

What breed of hamster likes to be held?
Syrian hamsters are among the easiest to handle and are often recommended for children. While other breeds like to be held, they’re better suited for adults due to their tiny sizes and fast speeds.

What breed of hamster bites the least?
While any animal can bite, Syrian hamsters tend to be the easiest to handle due to their size making them typically less prone to biting. Roborovski Dwarf and Chinese hamsters are also known to rarely nip.

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