Hello. My door was open with a screen net and a raccoon came right up to the door making contact with my cat. Face to face. Is there a way for her to catch anything like that like rabies? Or does a cat have to get bitten for that? I immediately ran up and closed the door. The raccoon was coming to eat the bird seeds. Is there anything to worry about here?
Updated On September 14th, 2023
Pet's info: Cat | Feral | Female | 4 years and 4 months old | 12 lbs
Answered By Destini R. Holloway, DVM 87
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Thanks for visiting Petcoach. Rabies is commonly spread through a bite wound. So there is very low risk of rabies transmission based on what you have described as making ocntact through a screen net. It isn't impossible because rabies is found in the saliva, just very unlikely in this scenario. Just keep an eye on your pet Kate for the next 7 days for any abnormal behavior (i.e. excessive vocalization, irrational behaivor, aggressive behavior, and if she is not up to date on her rabies vaccination, I would highly recommend getting her vaccinated asap. I hope that things work out well for your pet Kate moving forward. Best wishes and take care.
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