We noticed this crusty lump like thing on my Guinea pig tonight, we really don’t have money to take her to a vet. Any advice helps
Updated On April 8th, 2023
Pet's info: Small Animal | Guinea Pig | Female | unspayed | 2 lbs
Answered By Dr. Strydom, DVM 105
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My best guess is that this could be ringworm however it is impossible to tell just by looking at a photo. I suggest you get this spray and apply it 2-3 times daily on the affected area. ( https://www.petco.com/shop/en/petcostore/product/vetericyn-plus-antimicrobial-wound-and-skin-hydrogel-for-pets ) If after a week to 10 days it still is not resolving then you need to take her to a vet for an exam. Wash your hands thoroughly after touching her as ringworm, if it is that, is contagious to people.
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