Hi my cat has had this little lump. No signs of discomfort. He plays a little rough with our other cat so we don’t know if it’s a little scar or it’s something to be concerned about. Thank you.

Updated On April 28th, 2024

Pet's info: Cat | Siamese | Male | neutered | 15 lbs

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Answered By Jessica Desrosiers

Veterinary Technician

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Hi there! It's hard to tell what's going on exactly from the photo, however, if you've noticed a lump it's a good idea to monitor it for a few days for any signs of an issue or changes to it such as increased swelling, pain, oozing debris, or failing to heal. Lumps can be due to a number of things including scabs/abscesses from other cat scratches, cysts, blisters, allergic reactions, etc. Keeping the spot clean and dry and placing an Elizabethan (cone) collar on Squish as needed may also help it to heal. If the spot worsens, becomes very bothersome, or doesn't seem to be improving, a vet visit in person is best to figure out what exactly the bump is and so that treatment can be provided depending on its cause.

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