Chiggers in Cats

Trombiculiasis, Harvest mites, Red bugs

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Updated on September 26, 2024
Chiggers are uncommon skin parasites in cats caused by the larvae of the Trombiculidae family of mites, and cause itching, hair loss, and skin lesions, especially in and around the ears.
Severity is mild to moderate

  • Diagnosis Icon
    Requires a diagnosis by a veterinarian
  • Time to Cure
    Resolves within days to weeks after treatment
  • Treatment Icon
    Treatable by a veterinarian, by the pet parent
  • Prevention Icon
    Avoid areas where chiggers are found and use a monthly flea preventative; a fipronil containing product may be most effective against chiggers
  • Spread Icon
    Transmission is not typical between cats or from cats to people
  • Lab Icon
    Diagnosis requires a physical examination and skin scraping

Most common in outdoor cats, especially in spring and fall. Found throughout the central and southern US.

Symptoms & Signs

In cats, chigger larvae often take up residence on the inside of the ears and can be seen with the naked eye. Chiggers may not cause any symptoms in some animals; others may scratch at the area where the chiggers are present. There may also be hair loss, hives, crusted skin lesions, bleeding sores, and secondary bacterial infections.


The mite can be scraped from the inner surface of the cat's ear and identified under the microscope. However, because of the characteristic reddish color and location, a diagnosis can often be made just by visual inspection.


The chigger mite is a small reddish-orange mite about the size of the head of a pin. It lives in the soil and on vegetation for most of its life. Eggs are laid in soil and around vegetation in late summer. Larvae hatch from the eggs and crawl onto a host animal (e.g.; cat, dog, human). In cats they are most often found in the ear canals, and the larvae are also a bright reddish orange color. The larvae attach themselves to the lining of the ear,  feed on fluids in the tissue for several days, and then leave the host. The larvae molt into a nymph stage, and then mature into adults. The life cycle is completed in 50-55 days. In northern areas, there are 1-2 generations per year, in southern areas, the mites can reproduce all year long.


Administer all medications as directed.
There is limited data on treatment for chiggers in cats. Fipronil spray for cats and kittens older than 8 weeks has been reported to be effective (do not use the dog version of fipronil sprays or spot-ons). Selamectin and other flea parasiticides may also kill chiggers. Reinfestation may occur after treatment with any product so retreatment may be necessary, especially when continued outdoor exposure to the larval mites occurs. Oral antibiotics, antihistamines, and/or a corticosteroid may also be prescribed to treat secondary bacterial infections and control itching.
A general practitioner typically manages chiggers in cats and a veterinary specialist is not typically needed.

Cost Of Treatment

Most cases can be diagnosed and treated for less than $200.


Most cats recover quickly after proper treatment.


Cats with chiggers should be monitored for resolution of clinical signs. Follow-up visits to recheck skin lesions and make sure the parasite has been eradicated are typically recommended.


The best way to prevent chiggers is to keep pets indoors and avoid areas where chiggers are found. The use of a regular monthly flea preventative may also help prevent chiggers.


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The information contained on this page is for educational purposes only. This medication should only be given under the advice of a veterinarian who has examined your pet under the laws applicable to your state of residence.