Food Allergies in Cats

Food Hypersensitivity

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Updated on September 26, 2024
A food allergy occurs when a cat is sensitized to a particular protein in the diet, which causes an allergic response, usually itching and scratching of the skin. Food allergies account for about 5-15% of all the skin conditions seen in cats. Gastrointestinal signs may also be seen in cats with food allergies.
Severity is mild to moderate to severe

  • Diagnosis Icon
    Requires a diagnosis by a veterinarian
  • Time to Cure
    • Resolves within months with an effective hypoallergenic food trial; food trials need to be at least 12 weeks in duration.
  • Treatment Icon
    Treatable by a veterinarian, by the pet parent
  • Prevention Icon
    No known prevention
  • Spread Icon
    Transmission is not possible between cats or between cats and people
  • Lab Icon
    Diagnosis requires history, physical examination, and food trial

Food allergies affect male and female cats, neutered or intact, equally, and occur in cats of any age.

Symptoms & Signs

The symptoms of food allergies are similar to those of most other allergies seen in cats. The primary symptom is itchy skin and may also include hair loss, excessive scratching, and a crusting or miliary dermatitis. The head, neck and shoulders are most frequently affected. Vomiting and/or diarrhea may be present in some cats. It is difficult to distinguish an animal suffering from food allergies from an animal suffering from atopy or other allergies based on physical signs. However, there are a few signs that increase the suspicion that food allergies may be present. When a cat suffers from allergies year-round and does not respond to steroid treatment, a food allergy is likely. Food allergies affect both male and female cats, neutered or intact, equally. Allergies to foods may develop as early as five months of age and as late as 12 years of age, though the majority of cases occur between two and six years. Many animals with food allergies also have concurrent inhalant or contact allergies, so non seasonal skin issues with seasonal exacerbations may be seen. Unlike atopy, there is no strong link between specific breeds and food allergies. Food allergy symptoms can occur immediately or days after ingestion of the allergen.


The diagnosis for food allergies can be straightforward. However, many other problems can cause similar symptoms, and often animals suffer from additional problems, so it is essential that all other problems are identified and treated prior to undergoing a food trial to diagnosis food allergies. Atopy, flea bite allergies, intestinal parasite hypersensitivities, notoedric mange, yeast or bacterial infections, or seborrhea can all cause or exacerbate the same or similar symptoms as food allergies. Once all other causes have been ruled out or treated, then it is time to perform a food trial. Food trials and elimination diets: A food trial consists of feeding a cat a novel food source of protein and carbohydrate for at least 12 weeks. A novel food source would be a protein and carbohydrate that the animal had never eaten before. Examples could include duck and potato, or venison and potato, but depends on what foods the cat has been fed previously. . There are a number of such prescription commercial diets available on the market. In addition, there are specialized hypoallergenic diets that have the proteins and carbohydrates broken down into such small molecular sizes that they no longer trigger an allergic response. These are termed 'limited antigen' or 'hydrolyzed protein' diets. Homemade diets are often used, as the ingredients can be carefully restricted. Regardless of the diet used, it must be the only thing the animal eats for 12 weeks. This means no treats, no flavored medications; absolutely nothing but the special food and water. In addition, the cat should not be allowed to roam, which may result in him having access to food or garbage. Unfortunately, some commercial regular cat foods are now being sold using proteins such as duck and venison and even kangaroo. This reduces the number of novel proteins available that can be fed as part of a food trial. Veterinarians used to recommend that a pet only needed to be placed on a special diet for 3 weeks but new studies show that in dogs, only 26% of those with food allergies responded by Day 21. However, the vast majority of the animals responded by 12 weeks. The same may be true in cats, therefore, it is very important to keep the cat on the diet for the entire 12 weeks. If the cat shows a marked reduction or elimination of the symptoms, then they can be placed back on the original food. This is called 'provocative testing' and is essential to confirm the diagnosis. If the symptoms return after going back on the original diet, the diagnosis of a food allergy is confirmed. If there has been no change in symptoms but a food allergy is still strongly suspected, then another food trial using a different novel food source may be recommended. Food Trial Tips Only the recommended diet must be fed. Do NOT give: • Treats • Flavored medications (including heartworm preventives) or supplements • Flavored toothpastes • Flavored plastic toys • Table scraps • Catnip • Any type of food when giving medications If you want to give a treat, use the recommended diet. (Hint: canned diets can be frozen in chunks or baked, and these can be used as treats.) In multiple pet households, feed the others the same diet as the pet, if possible. If not, feed other pets in an entirely different location than the pet, and do not allow the pet access to "regular" food. Maintain a separate litter box for the pet if other cats are being fed a different diet, to avoid contamination with contact with the other cat’s stools, which could potentially contain some undigested protein to which the allergic cat could react. Keep your pet out of the room at mealtimes. Even a tiny amount of food dropped on the floor or licked off of a plate can ruin an elimination trial and require you to start over. Wash the hands and faces of any small children after they have eaten to avoid pets licking and ingesting trace amounts of food. Do not allow your pet to roam. Keep cats on leashes when outside. Keep a journal in which you can record the date and any foods, treats, etc. your pet may have accidentally eaten.


A food allergy is an overreaction by an individual animal to a specific ingredient in their food. The entire process of a pet being sensitized to a particular agent in food and the complicated antibody response that occurs in the intestinal tract in pets with food allergies is not very well understood. Several studies have shown that some ingredients are more likely to cause food allergies than others. In cats, the most common offenders are beef, lamb, seafood, corn, soy, dairy products and wheat gluten. As you may have noticed, the most common offenders are the most common ingredients in both cat and dog foods. This correlation is not a coincidence. While some proteins might be slightly more antigenic than others, many proteins are similar in form and the incidence of allergic reactions are probably associated with the amount of exposure. Cross reactions can occur between different food items (e.g. different meats or vegetables) and environmental allergens such as pollens and storage mites. 

There is a distinction that needs to be made between food allergies and food intolerances. Food allergies are true allergies and show the characteristic symptoms of itching and skin problems associated with canine and feline allergies and may show gastrointestinal signs concurrently. Food intolerances can result in gastrointestinal signs such as diarrhea or vomiting but and do not create a typical allergic skin response. Food intolerances in pets would be similar to people who get diarrhea or an upset stomach from eating spicy or fried foods or have lactose .intolerance. Fortunately, both food intolerances and allergies can be eliminated with a diet free from offending agents.


The treatment for food allergies is avoidance. Once the offending ingredients have been identified through a food trial, then they are eliminated from the diet. The owner of the animal has two choices long-term. They can choose to feed the animal a special commercially prepared balanced diet or a balanced homemade diet. If the owner chooses to feed the homemade diet, then they can potentially periodically challenge the pet with new ingredients and determine additional ingredients that are tolerated. When homemade diets are used, it is essential that they be balanced, with correct amount of ingredients, vitamins, and minerals. Homemade diets for such long-term use should be developed by a veterinary nutritionist. Most home-made diet recipes found online or in books are NOT balanced for cats and cause significant nutritional deficiencies or toxicities, some of which can be dangerous or even fatal.
Feed an appropriate hypoallergenic diet and medicate as directed by your veterinarian.
Some at least short-term relief may be gained with antihistamines and, steroids. Antibiotics and topical shampoos and mousses may be needed to treat secondary infections and inflammation. Omega-3 fatty acids and probiotics may be recommended to support the skin and immune system (these should not be given during a food trial).
A general practitioner typically manages food allergic cats, although a veterinary specialist in dermatology may be needed for complicated or chronic cases.

Cost Of Treatment

Most cases of food allergies can be diagnosed and treated for under $500. In many cases, a special diet may be required for the life of the cat. This may cost as much as $100 per month. Medications to treat symptoms may cost up to $75 per month.


Clinical signs associated with food allergies usually resolve within 12 weeks of eliminating the food allergen ingredient. Once a cat’s clinical signs have resolved on the food trial, then other foods, either the preferred commercial diet, or a single ingredient food, may be introduced to see if signs re-occur. Wait at least 2 weeks between new food introductions.


Cats with food allergies must be monitored for recurrence of signs as some pets with food allergies may develop allergies to new foods if they are fed those foods long enough. In addition, diet formulations may be changed by the manufacturer and ingredients added that the cat is sensitive too as well. Introducing new treats to the cat or allowing additional foods such as table scraps again can also cause symptoms to begin again. Other environmental or parasitic allergies may also occur. If you see signs of allergies returning, consult your veterinarian.


There is no known prevention for food related allergies. No testing can be done to determine if a cat will develop food allergies.


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The information contained on this page is for educational purposes only. This medication should only be given under the advice of a veterinarian who has examined your pet under the laws applicable to your state of residence.