Dogs and cats with radial nerve paralysis lose the ability to control their triceps muscle and the muscles that extend the front leg; for this reason, they won't be able to extend the elbow and lower limb. The leg will remain flexed or bent. The result is a limb that can't be placed to stand or bear weight on. The upper side of the paw often drags on the ground. Additionally, sensation to the upper-outside of the foreleg and the upper side of the paw will be decreased or absent.
Radial nerve paralysis is diagnosed by history and physical examination including a comprehensive neurologic examination of the affected limb. Electrodiagnostic tests are also helpful with diagnosis. There are three levels of injury associated with nerves depending on how much of the nerve is damaged. The level of injury will help determine the prognosis. 1. **Neuropraxia**: Temporary loss of nerve functions without anatomical injury. Injuries of this nature can often return to normal. This would be like bending a wire. 2. **Axonotmesis**: Rupture of some nerve fibers within an intact protective covering. This would be like the strands of a wire breaking inside the intact coating. This type of injury happens most commonly by pinching, crushing, or prolonged pressure. The prognosis with this type of injury is guarded. It may take several weeks or months for function to return. Nerve fibers grow at a rate of 1 mm/day. If the distance between the ruptured ends is not too great and the sheath is intact providing a path for the nerve fibers to grow, then there is a chance that the nerve will re-grow and return the limb to some level of function. 3. **Neurotmesis**: Complete severance of the nerve, nerve fibers, and protective covering. This would be like cutting the wire in two. Prognosis for recovering use of the leg is grave. Any return of function is highly unlikely. The extent of injury can be determined during a veterinary examination of the affected limb. If the animal can still detect deep pain in the limb, usually demonstrated by pinching the toe and the animal retracting the limb in response to the pinch, then there is a chance that the limb function may return as this demonstrates that there are some nerve fibers still intact. If no deep pain is detected, this usually means the nerve has been completely severed. In this case, the chance of the limb returning to a functional state is very slim.
The radial nerve is the largest nerve in the front leg and is responsible for extending the elbow, wrist and toes. Additionally, this nerve provides sensation to the upper-outside surface of the front leg and upper surface of the paw. The radial nerve originates under the upper front leg from a bundle of nerves called the brachial plexus. The nerves that form the brachial plexus originate from the spinal cord in the neck region. The radial nerve travels from the brachial plexus down the underside of the upper front leg. It then crosses over the outside of the upper front leg just above the elbow. From this point, the radial nerve dives deep and branches into the muscles of the lower front leg. The radial nerve ends in the paw.
When the radial nerve is injured, paralysis of the front leg can occur. The severity of symptoms depends on the amount of damage to the radial nerve and where along the limb this nerve was injured. Trauma to the animal's leg above the elbow, where the nerve is close to the surface, is a common cause of paralysis. Additional causes of radial nerve paralysis include excessive stretching of the brachial plexus (most commonly from having the limb pulled away from the body), damage during a surgery such as a fracture repair of the leg or by a tumor on or around the brachial plexus.
Cost of veterinary care varies widely for a number of reasons but may range from $300 to $3000 depending on the severity of the condition and type of treatment recommended. Amputation surgery will increase costs significantly.
Nerve injuries are very mysterious. It can be very difficult to predict if function will ever return after injury. Therefore, it is very important to determine the extent of the injury early on. If the sheath surrounding the nerve fibers is still intact, then there is a chance that the limb function will return. In these cases, time and good nursing care are the best options.
The animal will need to be monitored closely during the recovery period. It is imperative to protect the animal and affected limb to prevent additional injury. Confinement and or protective equipment for the affected limb may be recommended by your veterinarian particularly if you have other animals or children at home that put your pet at higher risk for accidental injury. Periodic recheck appointments will be necessary to monitor the progression of the recovery.
The centerpiece of prevention is avoiding any injury to the limb or radial nerve.
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