The rectum can either partially or fully prolapse. Both of these conditions can be seen by the pet parent. Before the rectum prolapses, most cats will have other conditions that cause them to strain and therefore push their rectum out of place. Some pet parents may notice diarrhea. Cats that are in labor may also prolapse their rectum while they try to deliver their kittens. A visual inspection and notation of a reddened 'sausage or doughnut-like' mass protruding from the anus provides a diagnosis of full rectal prolapse. A full rectal prolapse can affect half an inch to several inches of rectum. If the rectum is partially prolapsed, pet parents will often notice a small red, fleshy structure where the anus is. Cats may also begin licking their hind end with partial prolapse or try to rub their hind end on the carpet.
Diagnosis for rectal prolapse begins with a complete physical examination of the cat. Rectal prolapse is easy to identify, but the cause of the prolapse must be determined in order to prevent recurrence. Your veterinarian will most likely run a fecal test to check for intestinal parasites in your cat. Imaging of your pet’s GI tract may also be recommended to check the structural health of their intestines, bladder and colon. This may be done with abdominal x-rays or abdominal ultrasound. In severe cases, your pet may need a colonoscopy to evaluate their lower GI tract.
Manual reduction may range between $300 and $500. If surgical resection is required, costs can reach $2500 or more.
If the prolapse is treated quickly and the underlying cause of rectal prolapse is identified and appropriately treated, most cats make a full recovery.
After replacement of the rectum, cats should be rechecked immediately if the rectum becomes displaced again. Your veterinarian may recommend a surgical cone to prevent your cat from licking or chewing at the surgical site while healing.
Appropriate and timely treatment of the causes of straining (diarrhea, parasites, etc.) may prevent many cases of rectal prolapse in cats.
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