Most cats with ringworm develop hair loss, either in a small patch or spread across their entire body. Other clinical signs associated with ringworm infections are highly variable. Some cats develop any combination of redness in the areas of hair loss, scaling or crusting skin and itching; these signs all vary widely in severity.
A Wood’s lamp may be performed during a physical exam when ringworm is suspected. However, this test is far from definitive, as many species of dermatophytes will not fluoresce, or glow, an apple-green color under a Wood’s lamp. Another method of ringworm diagnosis is performed by plucking hairs and performing special stains so that they can be assessed microscopically. The most definitive method of diagnosing ringworm is by performing a fungal culture of the affected area to attempt to grow any organisms present in the lab. However, these results can take anywhere from 10 to 21 days to obtain. PCR testing may be recommended by your veterinarian for initial diagnosis as results can often be received within a few business days. Unfortunately, there are limitations to PCR testing such as fewer species of fungal spores will stimulate a positive result compared to a fungal culture and a PCR test may not distinguish a harmless fungal spore from one causing infection. In severe cases or those with other concurrent skin diseases, your veterinarian may require a skin biopsy for diagnosis for better insight on how to guide an efficient treatment plan.
While cost of veterinary care can range for a number of reasons, small, localized lesions may cost less than $100 to treat, however more serious or long-term cases may cost as much as $500+ to resolve.
Full recovery from a ringworm infection typically takes 1 – 3 months, but can take longer in some cases.
Ideal monitoring consists of fungal cultures performed weekly, but this can be cost-prohibitive. Oral itraconazole therapy also requires monthly blood testing to monitor liver enzyme values.
Thorough cleaning (as described above) and isolation of affected pets is critical to prevent the spread of ringworm to other pets or people in the household. People should wear disposable gloves, change clothing and wash their hands immediately after cleaning or handling an animal with a ringworm infection. (Disclaimer: The information contained on this page is for educational purposes only. Anti-fungal medications should only be given under the advice of a veterinarian who has examined your pet under the laws applicable to your state of residence.)
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