Separation Anxiety in Cats


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Updated on November 01, 2024
Separation anxiety is a behavioral condition that occurs when a pet is separated from their owners or caregivers.
Severity is mild to severe

  • Time to Cure
    Resolves with treatment but may be a chronic problem
  • Treatment Icon
    Treatable by a veterinarian, by the pet parent
  • Prevention Icon
    A well socialized cat is lesslikely to develop SA. Calming therapies may decrease symptoms.
  • Spread Icon
    Transmission is not possible between cats or between cats and people
  • Lab Icon
    Diagnosis requires history, physical examination

Separation anxiety is more common in single, indoor-housed cats.

Symptoms & Signs

Signs of separation anxiety in cats may occur when the cat is separated from its pet parent or another companion pet with whom it has a strong bond. A cat with separation anxiety may insist on being with the pet parent at all times, even following their pet parent from room to room. When the pet parent gets ready to leave the house, the cat may sulk and hide, or try to get between the pet parent and the door. When the pet parent returns, the cat may show an abnormally enthusiastic greeting. Some of the behavioral problems triggered by separation anxiety in cats are the same as those seen in dogs: vocalizing after the pet parent leaves, inappropriate urination or defecation (sometimes near a door or on the pet parent’s personal items), and, less often, destructiveness (chewing, scratching). Cats may also show their distress in other, less obvious ways such as becoming too anxious to eat when left alone; or vomiting only when the pet parent is not there. A less common sign in cats may be excessive grooming, to the point of creating a bald spot on one or two areas of the body.


The first step is to discuss the situation with your veterinarian and have your cat undergo a complete physical examination. It is important to make sure that your cat's behavior is not due to an underlying physical problem. For example, a cat which is urinating outside the litter box and/or doing a lot of howling may be developing a urinary tract obstruction or infection. A cat that is over-grooming may have a food allergy. Your veterinarian may recommend some tests including a complete blood count, a chemistry profile, urinalysis, thyroid testing, or a blood pressure check.


Many people are familiar with separation anxiety in dogs, but assume it does not occur in cats. However, recent research by veterinary behaviorists suggests that separation anxiety may also develop in cats. Contrary to what had often been thought in the past, cats are actually very social creatures and can form strong bonds with people and with other animals. While there is certainly more research to be done in this area, this syndrome could be an important consideration for those dealing with anxiety-related feline behavior problems. It is not known for sure what causes separation anxiety in cats. It has been speculated that there may be both genetic and environmental factors involved. Being orphaned or being weaned early may predispose a kitten to developing separation anxiety. Boredom and lack of exercise may also contribute to the condition.


It may be possible to make the time surrounding the pet parent’s departure less stressful for the cat, by making some changes in the normal routine. For 15 minutes prior to leaving and upon returning home, the pet parent should ignore the cat. Leaving a distracting toy can be helpful. An empty toilet paper roll with the ends closed off and holes in the sides can be filled with various types and sizes of treats, which will fall out as the cat plays with the roll. There are also commercial food-dispensing toys available which are used in similar ways. Another option is to hide very tasty food treats (cooked chicken) in various places in the house. Other toys the cat especially likes should be taken out just before the pet parent leaves and put away once the pet parent returns. When the pet parent returns, the cat should basically be ignored for approximately 15 minutes. Making the cat's environment more stimulating may help, also. A comfortable perch that allows a view from a window can provide entertainment, especially if there is a bird feeder in sight. Climbing ledges or carpeted towers with attached toys can be fun also. Leaving a radio or TV on softly can be comforting; some cats enjoy "cat videos" with sounds and pictures of birds and other small creatures. Some cats may be less anxious with another animal in the house, but this depends on the individual cat and may or may not be a good solution.
If you suspect your cat is suffering from separation anxiety and over the counter methods are not working, please contact your veterinarian or a pet behaviorist to discuss options further.
The most effective therapy for separation anxiety often involves a combination of behavior modification and anti-anxiety medication. These medications may include Buspar, Prozac, and Clomicalm. These are not labeled specifically for use in cats, and their use must be prescribed and monitored by a veterinarian.
Although most cases of separation anxiety in cats can be managed by a general practitioner veterinarian, a specialist in animal behavior may be needed in complex cases.

Cost Of Treatment

Medication(s) may cost between $30 and $100 each month depending on the type of medication. Pheromone collars or diffusers may cost approximately $30 each month. A certified veterinary behaviorist may cost $50 or more per session.


A combination of behavioral modification techniques and anti-anxiety medication is typically effective at resolving separation anxiety issues in most cats.


Follow-up veterinary examinations with blood testing will be necessary for cat’s taking long term anti-anxiety medications to monitor for side effects.


The best prevention is to try to start out with a kitten that is well-socialized and thus hopefully will be less likely to develop behavior problems of any type. Providing a physically stimulating environment can also help give your cat things to focus on other than missing you!


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The information contained on this page is for educational purposes only. This medication should only be given under the advice of a veterinarian who has examined your pet under the laws applicable to your state of residence.