Some cats with bladder stones may show no signs at all. Other cats with crystals or bladder stones may have blood in their urine and may urinate frequently, passing only small quantities of urine each time. Often, they will strain while urinating, holding their body in the urinating posture for much longer than normal. If a stone becomes lodges in the urethra, the cat will strain to urinate and may cry out. If it is not treated promptly, the cat can develop renal failure and other complications that may lead to death.
Urinary crystals are routinely diagnosed on examination of a urine sediment. Some stones can be found on routine physical exam during palpation of the urinary bladder. If the stones cannot be diagnosed through palpation, the diagnosis of bladder stones in cats is made or confirmed with abdominal x-rays or ultrasound. Most stones are radiopaque, meaning they show up on the radiographic film as obvious white circles or shapes just as bones do. A few are radiolucent and cannot be seen on the radiographic film. To confirm the presence of these types of stones, abdominal ultrasound or radiographs with a special dye may be needed. Blood work may be recommended if a cat is ill or has a urinary blockage.
Diagnosis and treatment without surgery in an average sized cat may cost between $500 and $900. A cystotomy (bladdder surgery) or nephrotomy (kidney surgery) to remove stones may cost $1500 or more.
After cystotomy, recovery is expected within 7-10 days. If a cat requires hospitalization for urethral obstruction, recovery is expected within several days. Depending on the type of crystals and stones, some cats will require life-long dietary changes.
Rechecks will be determined based on the condition with which your cat has been diagnosed.
In cats with a history of crystals or urinary stones, prescription diets to limit reformation of crystals may be needed. Encouraging increased water intake by providing a pet fountain and feeding wet cat food will help flush out extra minerals before they have the chance to turn into crystals and stones.
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