Constipation in Dogs: Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment


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Updated on September 26, 2024
Constipation in dogs occurs when a dog has infrequent, incomplete, or difficult defecation with passage of hard and dry feces.
Severity is mild.

  • Diagnosis Icon
    Diagnosis can be made at home based on physical symptoms or by a veterinarian.
  • Time to Cure
    Resolves after medical treatment of the underlying cause.
  • Treatment Icon
    Treatable by a veterinarian and the pet parent depending on underlying cause.
  • Prevention Icon
    It’s important to make sure your dog is fed a high quality dog food, has access to fresh water, and is taken out to defecate on a regular bases
  • Spread Icon
    Transmission is not possible to other animals or humans.
  • Lab Icon
    Physical exam and pet parent observation, but sometimes diagnosing the cause requires multiple tests

Dogs of any age or breed can become constipated. Especially in animals not receiving a regular and reliable diet.

Symptoms & Signs

The dog will appear to strain as they try to pass feces, and they will either pass nothing or hard and dry stool. The dog may cry out in pain as they try to pass feces, and there may be blood seen along with the hard and dry stool.


Diagnosing constipation itself is straightforward, as it is based on clinical symptoms, but tests may need to be done to diagnosis the cause of the constipation. These tests include a physical exam, abdominal palpation, rectal exam, blood tests, urinalysis, barium study, neurological exam, x-rays, ultrasound, and semen test in intact male dogs. A barium study involves giving a dog food mixed with barium sulfate and tracking the progress of the barium through the intestinal tract using x-rays. The semen test in intact male dogs examines the prostate fluid in the sample to identify problems with the prostate gland.


In intact male dogs, a cause of constipation can be an enlarged prostate. The prostate can become enlarged due to infection, cancer, or inflammation. As the prostate grows larger, it presses down on the colon, preventing feces from passing normally. Dogs can also become constipated from ingesting foreign objects such as hair or carpet fibers, pain that makes it difficult to posture to defecate, certain medications, anal sac impaction, neurological problems, too little fiber in the diet, too much fiber in the diet, lack of exercise, or gastrointestinal tumors. Dehydration can also be a cause of constipation. As feces pass through the colon, water is normally reabsorbed via the colon. When a dog is dehydrated, the colon absorbs more water, leading to dry feces and causing constipation. Neurological problems can include injury to the spinal cord or the nerves leading from the spinal cord to the intestines. Exercise helps stimulate the gastrointestinal tract, and not having enough exercise daily can prevent a dog from passing feces normally.


At-home care should focus on attempting to maintain adequate hydration and increasing the fiber content of the food. The pet parent can try adding a tablespoon of canned pumpkin puree (not pumpkin pie filling) to a dog’s food at each meal. Canned dog food will add moisture to a dog’s diet, and it may help with constipation. Taking a dog for a walk may stimulate them to pass feces as well.
In some instances, hospitalization may be necessary to aggressively rehydrate the patient with intravenous fluids, but this is rare.
Stool softeners, such as lactulose, may be used in cases of long term constipation. Lactulose draws water into the colon and makes the stool easier to pass. Laxatives should never be used in dogs. When the dog is unable to pass feces on its own, enemas may be used, however enemas should always be administered by a veterinarian.
If the constipation is caused by a large intestinal or colonic tumor, surgical removal of the tumor may be necessary. If it is determined that the prostate is enlarged due to benign prostatic hypertrophy, neutering should be considered, as removal of the source of testosterone (i.e., the testicles) will result in a reduction in prostatic size and will likely resolve the constipation issues.

Cost Of Treatment

The cost of treating constipation in dogs can vary greatly, depending on how affected the canine is. Mild cases of constipation may be treated through simple OTC remedies recommended by your veterinarian.


Prognosis is good, and most cases resolve with treatment that addresses the underlying cause. Long term or chronic constipation may lead to a build up of dry fecal matter that gets stuck in the colon.


Monitor your dog passing feces at least once a day, checking the consistency of the feces. It should be formed, moist, and firm but should indent when pressed with a finger.


It’s important to make sure your dog is fed a high quality dog food that contains an adequate amount of fiber. Ensure your dog has access to plenty of fresh water at all times. Daily exercise is recommended to encourage normal gastrointestinal motility.


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The information contained on this page is for educational purposes only. This medication should only be given under the advice of a veterinarian who has examined your pet under the laws applicable to your state of residence.