With skin ulcers and draining lesions, the first sign of a problem may be a crusty area on the skin, nose or foot. In other cases, skin problems may start out small and progress into more extensive lesions. They may open, drain and then develop a crusty surface. In some instances, there may be hair loss and the surface of the skin can become red and oozing, and ulcers may develop. Skin ulceration and draining lesions can be caused by a variety of underlying problems. Certain conditions are more common in specific populations of dogs or in some geographic locations.
Since there are so many possible causes of skin ulceration or draining lesions in dogs, the underlying cause must be determined so that proper treatment can be initiated. As a starting point, affected dogs must be examined by a veterinarian. During the exam, the veterinarian evaluates the skin lesions as well as the overall health of the dog. Based on the findings of this exam, the veterinarian will determine the next diagnostic steps. Skin cytology is often needed to microscopically examine samples taken from the surface of the skin or scrapes from deeper layers of skin. A biopsy of the skin, fungal culture, bacterial culture or blood testing may be needed.
The cost of treatment will vary on the underlying cause, severity and size of the dog.
Depending on the underlying cause of the skin ulcers and draining lesions, dogs can recover in as little as a few days to weeks, or they may require several months of treatment. Other more serious conditions require lifelong management or may be fatal.
Dog owners must monitor their dogs at home for changes in their clinical signs. Recheck exams with a veterinarian as well as diagnostic testing are often needed; the frequency varies depending on the underlying condition.
Prevention is possible in some cases such as with parasites or trauma. Use a monthly preventative to control parasites and avoid situations that could result in trauma. Other causes may not be preventable.
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