Furosemide is a loop diuretic medication, which is used to decrease the water content in the body by promoting urinary excretion of excess fluid. It is most commonly used in small animals to treat congestive heart failure and pulmonary edema, and in horses to prevent or reduce exercise-induced pulmonary hemorrhage (EIPH). Furosemide is FDA approved at certain doses in dogs, cats, cattle, and horses. Although commonly used in veterinary medicine, all other uses are off label. [Buy Furosemide now on Petco.](https://www.petco.com/shop/en/petcostore/brand/furosemide) A prescription from your veterinarian may be needed to purchase.
In small animals, furosemide is used to treat congestive heart failure, pulmonary edema, hypercalciuric nephropathy, uremia, hyperkalemia (increased potassium), and occasionally for hypertension (high blood pressure). In cattle, furosemide is used for post-parturient udder edema. In race horses, furosemide is used to reduce or prevent epistaxis (nasal bleeding).
Furosemide increases the kidney’s excretion of electrolytes and water. The blood flow to the kidneys can be altered in some circumstances, which can change the blood pressure within the kidneys. The exact mechanisms of the effects of furosemide have not been fully determined.
Store in a light-resistant, childproof container at room temperature out of the reach of pets and children.
If a dose is missed, continue with the next dosage at the scheduled time. Do not give two doses at the same time.
Overdose is not common, but neurologic signs (coma, seizures), lethargy, or cardiovascular collapse may be seen. Seek veterinary attention immediately if an overdose is suspected.
Always consult your veterinarian before using furosemide with any other medication, including vitamins and supplements. ACE inhibitors (i.e. enalapril, benazepril), aminoglycosides (i.e. gentamicin, amikacin, etc.), amphotericin B, cisplatin, corticosteroids, digoxin, insulin, muscle relaxants, probenecid, salicylates, succinylcholine, and theophylline may interact with furosemide.
Furosemide is contraindicated in animals not producing urine. It should used with caution in animals with electrolyte imbalances, diabetes mellitus, liver disease, kidney disease, or pregnant or lactating animals.
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