9 Ways to Mentally Stimulate Your Cat

Updated On October 7th, 2016

As the old adage goes, “a mind is a terrible thing to waste”. This also applies to our feline friends. **Cats are intelligent creatures and need to have their brains stimulated to maintain a happy and healthy life.** If your cat has become "uninspired", these tips will help you turn things around!

Play With Your Cat

There are many toys on the market today that are designed to entice cats into play. Choose ones that are easy to throw, roll or swing around to get your cat's interest. Having regular play sessions each day is not only a great way to bond with your pet, but it gives your cat the opportunity to work its muscles, as well as its brain.

Interactive Toys

If you spend a lot of time away from home, then you may want to consider an interactive toy that your cat can trigger on its own. These "intuitive" cat toys are designed to work on a motion sensor, so when your cat moves, the toy will respond. Some toys can even reset themselves if they become flipped over or stuck in a corner.

Puzzle Treat Dispensers

Particularly good if your cat is a food gobbler, puzzle treat dispensers make your cat work for the reward. They are designed to mentally stimulate your feline with mazes, balls, food trees and diggers. A perfect companion for cats that tend to be alone during extended periods of time.

Another Feline Friend!

One of the best ways to mentally stimulate your cat is to bring in another feline friend. Once both cats are comfortable with each other, they will run, play, chase and mentally challenge one another.

Cardboard Boxes and Paper Bags

They are inexpensive, recyclable and cats go crazy over them...yes, we're talking about good old cardboard boxes and paper bags.

Get a large box and cut peek-a-boo holes in it or a large crinkly shopping bag and watch your cat have the time of its life. And the best thing about these mentally stimulating activities is that once they become worn out they are very easy to replace, and you won't regret having made a significant investment.

Cat videos

Bring nature indoors with specifically produced videos for cats. These films feature up-close views of birds, squirrels, fish and other active wildlife. Your cat will love to chirrup and swat at the featured wildlife from the comfort and safety of your home.

After several viewings, your cat may even learn the patterns of the nature-critters and begin to stalk and hunt these television "stars."

View From a Window

If you're into feeding birds or squirrels, attaching a feeder near a window of your home is a great way to stimulate your cat's brain. Put a tall scratching post or another sturdy object by the window so your feline friend can easily perch on it and watch nature at its best.

Homemade Agility Course

Although we may think that agility courses are primarily a canine-centric activity, you can design a simple feline agility course in your own home. Kitty tunnels, cardboard boxes and the furniture itself can all be incorporated into this mentally stimulating activity.

To get your cat interested, grab a dangling toy on a stick or wand and take your feline through the course. Once finished, reward with a yummy treat.

Leash Training

Teaching your cat to walk on a leash opens up the outdoor world to them in a safe and healthy way. Manufacturers make specifically designed harnesses for cats that will keep your pet safely tethered to your hand. Allow your cat to explore the world by pouncing on bugs, climbing over objects and just being outside to sniff the fresh air. Always be sure to introduce this activity to your cat in short durations, conducting the leash training indoors to make certain your cat is comfortable on leash before venturing outside.  It is also a good idea to ensure your cat is microchipped and the microchip’s information is current in addition to an ID tag attached to their harness should you become separated during your outdoor adventure. 

Mentally Stimulated Means Happy and Healthy

Given that cats sleep around 15 hours per day, it's important to make sure you keep your feline companion active while awake. Mentally stimulating your cat's brain is the first step to ensure a happy, healthy and long life. So, follow the previous tips to get your feline off the sofa and in the game!
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