How to Re-Home Your Pet

There are times when families are faced with insurmountable financial or personal hardships and find themselves in the heart-breaking situation of having to find a new home for their beloved furry, scaly or feathered family member. Re-homing can be very stressful for both you and your pet.

Steps to Take Before Rehoming Your Dog

Welcoming a dog into your home is a big responsibility and should only be undertaken if you accept that you are signing up for a lifelong commitment. However, life doesn’t always go as planned, and there may come a time when rehoming must be considered.

People think about rehoming their dogs for a number of reasons—behavior issues, unforeseen costs and everything in between—but it’s important to exhaust every option to find a solution before giving up. Rehoming a dog is stressful for the pet, can put increased demand on potentially already overcrowded shelters and is likely to have emotional consequences for you as well. 

Why people rehome their dogs

The first few months with a dog can be stressful—especially if you’re a first-time pet parent but no matter what the problem, there is often a solution. It might not always be easy, but like all good things in life, it’s worth giving it your all before you give in. A few of the more common reasons people rehome their dogs—as well as some steps to take before doing so—include:

Lack of time

If you’ve never had a pet before, the amount of time you need to spend to keep your dog happy and healthy might surprise you, especially if the dog is young. Additionally, if you begin pet parenthood while working from home and then experience a schedule change, your available time with your dog might  diminish. Although one-on-one time is important for bonding, a schedule change might just require a different solution to keep your dog engaged.

What to try: To keep your dog busy at home while you’re away, try interactive toys that stimulate their mind and keep them entertained for a while. Positive reinforcement-based training can help to reinforce desired behaviors, build confidence and curb unwanted behaviors. If you have a safe, fenced-in yard, a doggy door can provide your pup with outdoor access to explore and get some fresh air. If you’re away for hours at a time, consider doggy day care where your pup can socialize with other dogs and humans. Bonus—most pups come home from day care very tired from a day of fun! Do your research to find the right match for your dog and ensure they’re well enough behaved to pass the temperament tests most locations require. While walks before and after work can help most dogs keep active, if you’re having trouble getting home in time or want to let your pup out for some mid-day activity, try hiring a dog walker to give your pup a little activity (and a potty break).

A move

Moving homes is stressful enough without taking a pet into consideration. Additionally, long-distance moves make some people feel that their dog would be happier staying put. But with some forethought and planning, there are few reasons that your pup can’t come with you.

What to try: When planning your move, be sure to ask about pet restrictions and only consider places that will accept your pet. If management at a potential rental seems hesitant about allowing your dog, ask about their concerns. Offering to pay an extra deposit or showing training records or other health records may help alleviate fears about the temperament or health status of your pet.

If your dog is underfoot while you’re trying to pack and prepare for a move, consider having them stay with a close friend or relative for a day or two so you can focus your attention on what needs to get done. When moving day arrives, you’ll need to be prepared. A dog kennel, travel pet bowls and/or vehicle pet barriers make things easier and safer for car travel, while dog calming aids like treats and collars can help make the ride smooth for your pet no matter what form of transportation your move requires.

While moving far away may seem like a stressful experience on your pet, consider the alternative—them being left without their family and needing to find a new one. While the move itself may be difficult for everyone, planning long moves via car with your pet in mind and taking plenty of breaks may actually result in some fun memories. For even longer moves, you may need to research if there are quarantine requirements at your final destination or consult specialized pet transport companies to ensure your pet can stay safe and reunite with your family later on.

Behavioral issues

Behavioral issues are a common reason people cite when giving up their pet. Although it can be nerve-wracking to have to deal with these types of issues, it’s important to realize that you don’t have to do so alone.

What to try: There are a number of expert options to help you deal with whatever behavioral issues your dog might be having. Putting your dog through training classes or meeting with a pet behaviorist is a great start to address your particular concerns. If you’re not sure where to start, your veterinarian can often be a good resource for finding options in your area.


Aggression is a more serious behavioral issue where giving up can seem like the easiest option. However, when proactive steps are taken, your dog’s behavior can often be de-escalated so that they can stay with you.

What to try: It’s essential to address aggression as soon as you notice it. The longer you wait, the harder it will be to treat the issue. If your dog is acting out in an aggressive way, meet with your veterinarian or pet behaviorist immediately to determine the best course of action for your specific pet.

The cost of your pet

Having a pet can be expensive, especially if you have to deal with the cost of an unexpected health issue or training. Even so, there are some things you can do to help curb the costs.

What you can try: Monthly pet insurance premiums are often relatively inexpensive and can be a good way to help mitigate future health costs. Your local shelter might also be able to help point you in the direction of other organizations in your area that offer low-cost options for things like spay and neuter services. Vaccination clinics and affordable vet services can also be found through Petco’s veterinary services network.

Health concerns

Dealing with ongoing health concerns not only affects your budget but can also be emotionally taxing. However, giving up on your pet, especially when they need you most is not the answer.

What you can try: In addition to some of the options listed above, look for online support groups or ask your veterinarian about local resources for pets with similar issues to your own. The support of others may help you as you help your pet. And remember that their less than optimal health doesn’t take away from the unconditional love they give you!

A new baby

Bringing a baby home is a wonderful time for a family, but it also comes with its own set of challenges. Before deciding that handling a baby and a puppy at the same time is too much, try these easy steps.

What you can try: To start, training and early socialization is essential to ensure dogs know how to handle themselves around other people. It’s also key to begin to introduce them to the change that’s about to occur. As you bring in new baby gear, allow your dog to smell some of the furniture and toys (wash before giving back to baby!). As your nursery is finalized, let your dog explore the space so they become used to the new norm. Before you introduce your dog to your baby, offer them the scent of a used blanket.

As you’re buying new gear for your baby, don’t forget your pup! You can assume that when baby comes home you’ll be busy and exhausted, so load up on mentally stimulating interactive toys for your dog and consider setting up a dog walker who can help ensure your dog gets the exercise they need to stay healthy and to tire them out.


If you’re allergic to your dog, or someone in your household develops allergies, it can be hard to make it through the day. All hope is not lost, though. 

What you can try: Speak with your doctor immediately about relieving dog allergies. Over-the-counter medications may be all the relief you’ll need, depending on your allergy’s severity, but your doctor can also prescribe medications more specific to your needs. A specialized vacuum meant to capture pet hair and keeping your dog on a strict and proper grooming schedule can help as well.

Rehoming your dog properly

Create a Flyer

Create a flyer or resume that you can show to potential pet parents. Take several photographs of your pet that show off their personality, such as portrait shots and cute photographs of your pet playing with toys, cuddling with you, enjoying the comforts of their home. Photographs that highlight interaction with family members will show that your pet has always been treated as a treasured member of the family.

It's important to explain why she has to be re-homed. Describe the ideal type of new home you're looking for so you can replicate as closely as possible what she had with you. Remember that you are ultimately looking for a forever home; you don't want her to have her go through this process again.

If your pet loves and interacts with other animals, spell out whether she likes both dogs and cats or prefers one to the other. Some pets prefer to be "only fur kids." Also, make it known whether your pet likes to be around children or favors the company of adults. Senior pets are often a good fit for senior citizens.

Outline her personality traits, her food likes and dislikes. When it comes to dogs, outline the type of exercise she is used to and her favorite games. Cats like to play too, so detail her favorite toys and if she is used to enjoying the view from a tall kitty condo or comfy bed. Companion animals also have specialized diets and unique play and exercise schedules that are important to communicate to the potential new pet parent.

Don't forget to include your contact information on the flyer.

Share. Share. Share.

Once you have flyers, put them up as many places as possible, starting with your veterinarian's office. Coffee shops often have a notice board, as do pet stores, boarding facilities, shelters and grooming salons. Spread the word to your co-workers, family and friends and email everyone you think could possibly help. Post messages on social media sites and consider putting your pet on reputable websites that specialize in pet adoptions, like

If there is a local newspaper, place an advertisement to attract people in your area. Never advertise your pet to strangers as "Free to a Good Home." Even if it is a nominal fee, you want to ensure that the person who takes your pet has the means to care for him.

If your dog or cat is a purebred, consider contacting relevant breed rescue groups. They will understand your dog's or cat's innate characteristics and know what to look for in finding the right people and home environment for a particular breed.

Only take your pet to a shelter as a last resort; many shelters are filled to capacity, meaning that animals are only kept a certain number of days before they are euthanized due to lack of space. Never simply abandon your pet or leave her to fend for herself. In addition to being inhumane, it's illegal. A domestic animal that has had the care, attention and reassurance of knowing there will be a daily food bowl is unable to survive for long on their own anywhere – whether you live in the city or out in the country.

What to Ask Potential Pet Parents

When someone contacts you, have a list of applicable questions ready to ask before you meet:

  • Do you currently have any pets or children?
  • Have you had pets before? If so, what happened to them?
  • Do you own your own home, or live where pets are allowed? Ask for proof in writing.
  • Who is at home during the day?
  • Will you take the pet for an annual wellness check and to a veterinarian at the first sign of a problem?
  • What about grooming? Is this something you will do or have done professionally?
  • Where will the pet sleep?
  • Will the cat be kept indoors permanently and be rewarded with lots of toys and supplies?
  • What type of exercise routines are you able to provide?
  • Do you understand the financial implications sharing a home with a pet? Are you able to meet these obligations without incurring a hardship?
  • Does anyone in your home have allergies?
  • Does everyone in the family agree on adding this pet to your family?
  • What would you plan to do if someone in the family developed allergies to the pet or if you had to move?

It's important to let them know that you will take your pet back if it doesn't work out.

The Initial Meeting

If you feel confident after talking on the phone, arrange for the potential adopter to come and meet your pet in your home. It's very important to see how your pet reacts to the person and vice versa. You may have to arrange more than one visit, especially if the potential adopter has kids. You don't want to overwhelm your pet during the first meet-and-greet. If you can, visit their home, as well.

Pay attention to how they interact with your pet, and how your pet responds. If you're pet seems highly resistant, she may be trying to tell you something. Listen to your heart. If you have any doubt about any one thing, apply the old adage, when in doubt, don't. Keep looking. You will find the right pet parent for your pet.

Next Steps

Be prepared to provide your pet's new pet parent with all of her favorite toys and supplies, and include a few weeks' of food, too. This will help your pet settle in more quickly.

Be sure to include any special instructions, and advise them of anything unique about your pet ("Princess likes to sleep in her bed on the floor at the foot of the bed" or "Georgia prefers her dry food mixed with 1 tablespoon of wet food"). These tidbits will help your pet more easily adjust to her new home. If your pet has behavioral issues that you have been unable to resolve (or haven't tried to resolve), it's important to be honest. Often, with the right training, many behavioral issues can be rectified. And, Make sure to provide copies of all of your pet's veterinary records.

The Final Goodbye

When you do feel you have found the right pet parents for your pet, try and keep the transition as unemotional as possible. Don't forget to provide all of your pet's toys and supplies as well as food for at least one month. The change is going to be stressful enough and a change in diet can only make things worse.

Stay in touch with the new pet parents to ensure everything is going smoothly. Provide them with your contact information (if you are moving) so that they can share information with you. Ask for photographs that show that she is settling in to her new environment and learning to love her new family.


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