Tricks to Teach Your Dog at Home: Find it

Training your dog to find it starts small, with the hiding of a treat (or scented item) under an object for your dog to discover. With practice and building up of the skill, this behavior can lead to more challenging activities like backyard hunts and hide-and-seek through the house with different objects.

How to train your dog to find it

Suggested Cues: If find it doesn’t have the right ring to it, you can use search or seek

What You’ll Need:

  • Treats for rewards
  • Treat or pet-safe, scented item to find
  • Object under which to place the item
  • Various other household items to offer distraction (chairs, dog toys, etc.)

Note: At no time should you reach for the item while it is in your dog’s mouth. The idea is simply  for your dog to find an item under an object. If your dog brings the item to you, offer them a treat in exchange for dropping it.

Training Method 1: Shape your dog’s behavior into the action you are looking for

  1. Place a scented item or treat on the ground in front of your dog.
  2. Verbally mark and reward any attention your dog gives to the item.
  3. As their attention grows, move the item behind other  objects, like a chair, bench or something that obstructs their direct view of the item.
  4. Reward and praise your dog when they are able to find the hidden item.
  5. Put the item under an object.
  6. Reward and praise your dog when they find the hidden item.
  7. Add the verbal cue to reinforce the action.

Training Method 2: Capture your dog’s inherent behavior so that it becomes a cued behavior

  1. Place multiple items that your pup enjoys (like their favorite toys) in a circle around you.
  2. Anytime your pup approaches the selected item, verbally mark the action and reward them.
  3. Ignore all your dog’s  behaviors except when they look at the item or nose it.
  4. When your pup becomes proficient, start placing  the item under an object.
  5. Add the verbal cue once your dog is showing consistency.

Training Method 3: Use an enticing lure to prompt your dog to perform the desired behavior

  1. Put the item you want them to find on the ground and place treats around and on top of the item.
  2. Allow your dog to find and consume the treats.
  3. Repeat until your dog is reliably approaching and interacting with the item  to receive treats.
  4. Begin reducing the amount of treats around the item.
  5. When your dog is consistently interacting with the item, start placing it under an object.Mark and reward  them when they find it.
  6. Add the verbal cue once your pup is consistent.

Looking for more cool tricks to teach your pet? Consider crawl or paws up for their next training lesson.


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