No. Cats can’t eat chocolate. If your pet has consumed chocolate, immediately call your veterinarian or the Pet Poison Helpline at 855-764-7661. Please note a $65 incident fee applies when you call the Pet Poison Helpline.
It may seem okay to slip your beloved feline a chocolaty treat, but it can prove deadly. A common misconception among pet parents is that cats will enjoy chocolate treats for their sweetness. Cats don’t have taste buds for sweetness, so they can’t even taste the chocolaty treats pet parents give them. Because chocolate is dangerous for cats, it’s important to take precautions when cooking, baking or eating chocolate around your cat.
Here’s the lowdown on what chocolate can do to your cat’s body.
Why Chocolate Is Poison to Cats
Theobromine and caffeine—two components found in the cocoa beans used to make chocolate—are toxic for cats, especially when consumed in high volumes. Theobromine poisoning—also referred to as chocolate poisoning—can occur in both dogs and cats. One of the reasons chocolate is so dangerous in cats is that theobromine absorbs more slowly in cats than in humans. And most cats can’t eat a crumb of chocolate without experiencing potentially harmful side effects, some that can result in fatality.
Similarly, cats have a severe sensitivity to slow-absorbing caffeine, found in dark and milk chocolate, which causes them to become overstimulated and hyperactive. Please note that although white chocolate may only contain trace amounts of theobromine and caffeine, it is still too dangerous to offer cats. It also contains milk, which can result in food sensitivity symptoms in cats. Some cats may be lactose intolerant and can develop symptoms of diarrhea or vomiting, in addition to other ailments from the theobromine and caffeine, after consuming small amounts of white chocolate.
Symptoms of Chocolate Poisoning in Cats
If you aren’t sure whether your cat has eaten chocolate, here are a few key symptoms of chocolate poisoning to watch out for:
How to Prevent Your Cat from Eating Chocolate
Now that you know all the harmful effects of chocolate poisoning, keeping your cat from eating chocolate is a no-brainer. In many cases, cats consume chocolate by accident, and as a pet parent, you can never be too careful. When eating a chocolaty snack, be sure to wrap your leftovers and store them in the fridge or pantry. After cooking or baking with chocolate chips, shavings or syrup, return ingredients to their proper places, wipe counters and sweep your kitchen floor immediately. This helps ensure your cat can roam freely without accidentally licking or eating chocolate that has been left out.
How much chocolate can cats eat?
None; any amount of chocolate can be toxic to your cat. The severity of symptoms can depend on the type of chocolate consumed, as well as the individual cat. The higher the cocoa ingredient in the chocolate, the higher the theobromine and caffeine amounts, so the larger the cocoa content, the more toxic the chocolate. You might be wondering how much chocolate cats can eat without experiencing severe side effects—while the answer may vary by individual cat as well as the size of the cat, the simplest answer is, any amount of chocolate is too much for a cat.
Will a tiny bit of chocolate hurt my cat?
Maybe you’re asking yourself questions like—"can cats eat chocolate ice cream?” or “can cats drink chocolate milk?” The answer to both of these questions and others like it is no. Your cat can’t eat chocolate—not even a tiny bit.
What should I do if my cat ate chocolate?
Immediately call your veterinarian or the Pet Poison Helpline at 855-764-7661 if you discover your cat has consumed any amount or kind of chocolate. Please note a $65 incident fee applies when you call the Pet Poison Helpline.
How long after a cat eats chocolate will symptoms show?
If your cat consumes chocolate, symptoms can show as early as 30 minutes post-consumption. Symptoms usually appear within 2 to 4 hours but can take as long as 24 hours to appear.
What happens if my cat licks chocolate?
Chocolate is toxic to cats when ingested. If your cat accidentally licks a piece of chocolate, there may be a cause for concern. If you aren’t sure, it’s always a good idea to consult your veterinarian.
How do I know my cat ate chocolate?
If you suspect your cat has eaten chocolate, watch out for symptoms of hyperactivity, diarrhea, vomiting, rapid breathing, seizures and other common symptoms of chocolate poisoning. Check out this list of common household dangers to help protect your feline from other types of poisoning.
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