Yes, they can—as long as it’s unsweetened, without any added flavors or ingredients and offered in moderation. However, it’s important to always consult your vet before introducing new items into your pup’s diet, especially if they have a medical condition. Certain health conditions or sensitivities may make this snack a bad choice for your pet. And if you’re wondering about the fruit itself, check out our guide Can Dogs Eat Apples?
Cool, refreshing applesauce is a vitamin and mineral-packed snack for humans and dogs. Applesauce contains the following beneficial nutrients:
Vitamin C is also a prominent mineral in applesauce. In fact, many manufacturers use vitamin C—aka ascorbic acid—as a preservative, giving this treat an extra boost of the powerful antioxidant. Unsweetened applesauce contains other antioxidants and phytonutrients as well, which can be key factors for immune system wellness.
However, keep in mind your pet’s commercially available food meets all of their nutritional needs. Treats and snacks—including applesauce—should be kept to 10% or less of their daily caloric intake. Feeding too much of anything can throw their diet off balance, which can lead to serious health concerns.
While unsweetened applesauce for dogs is generally not a concern when offered as an occasional treat, it is important to make sure it doesn’t contain any additional ingredients. Many commercial applesauces contain ingredients like sugar, lemon, vinegar, cinnamon or other spices, which can irritate your dog’s gastrointestinal tract. Some varieties can even contain ingredients that could be harmful or toxic, such as xylitol or preservatives.
It is also important to know that canines can’t process fruit the way we do. When dogs eat applesauce, they won’t be able to absorb as many of the nutrients or enjoy the health benefits found in apples. If your vet finds that your pup has a vitamin deficiency or isn’t getting the nutrition they require, they will generally recommend supplements over any human food to ensure their nutritional needs are accurately met.
Many dogs love the taste and will lick it right off a spoon. If you enjoy applesauce, maybe save a lick for your furry friend. But remember—moderation is the key.
Mixing applesauce with dog food should only be offered in moderation and should be discussed with your veterinarian before starting to ensure this is an appropriate extra special treat for your furry family member! Commercial pet food meets all of their nutritional needs and as discussed above, canines may not reap the same benefits from fruit as well as humans do making added fruit to their diet a risk that may not be worth it. If your dog has become disinterested in food, adding a small amount of applesauce on rare occasions or a daily topper can be a funway to give your dog a little variety. You can also try feeding your pet human grade dog food or wet dog food.
Can my dog have unsweetened applesauce?
Yes, as long as there are no additional ingredients, preservatives or flavoring. Fruits like apples already contain sugar, and commercial applesauce can contain added sugar as well as toxic sweeteners such as xylitol. Like in humans, sugar is not good for your pet, especially when given long-term. Even in the short-term, sugar can cause stomach issues for your pup, including diarrhea. Unsweetened is the way to go if you want to incorporate applesauce into your dog’s diet.
Is applesauce good for my dog?
That’s debatable. When given in moderation, unsweetened applesauce may be a special treat your dog enjoys, but they won’t benefit from the nutrients in apples. Plain old apples cut into bite-size pieces are generally an easier and safer alternative to applesauce—they may even appeal more to your pet due to the satisfying crunch. Keep in mind that stems, leaves, seeds and cores, are not only a choking hazard but are often toxic and must always be avoided. While applesauce isn’t beneficial to your pet, as long as it’s prepared properly and only offered in moderation to a healthy dog, it is generally considered safe. Always be sure to review any changes or additions to your dog's diet with your vet before offering your pet a new food—especially if they have any known health conditions or food sensitivities.
Can my dog have cinnamon applesauce?
No, it’s not recommended. Dogs can have small amounts of cinnamon in their food, but the potential of the applesauce causing gastrointestinal upset is heightened. Many commercial cinnamon applesauces also have added sugar. It’s best to stick to just plain, unsweetened applesauce with no additives. For more information on how cinnamon can affect your dog, check out our guide Can Dogs Eat Cinnamon?
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