Yes, dogs can eat broccoli—in moderate amounts. While many people think dogs are carnivores, they are omnivores. Wild canines often get a dose of vegetables from the stomach contents of their prey or eat vegetation such as grass and fruits like berries. Because of the way canines traditionally consume vegetables, you should limit broccoli and any other treats to 10% of your dog’s total daily calories.
While you should always consult your veterinarian before changing your dog’s diet, broccoli is generally good for most dogs, no matter how it is cooked or what part of the plant you feed them. Can dogs eat raw broccoli? Can dogs eat steamed broccoli? What about the stalks? Yes, yes and yes. But before you add this delicious and nutritious vegetable to your dog’s dinner bowl, make sure you have all the information you need.
The answer to “Can dogs eat broccoli?” isn’t just “yes”—broccoli is actually good for them. Broccoli is considered a cruciferous vegetable—a group that is chock-full of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. It’s rich in calcium, iron, potassium, zinc, riboflavin, phosphorous and other nutrients. It also has plenty of vitamin C—which is vital to the immune system and skin—and vitamin K1—important for the blood and bones. All these nutrients mean broccoli has the following benefits.
Often, dogs can only eat certain parts of foods. Dogs can eat all pieces of broccoli and in any form. But before you go crazy with this green treat, there are a few precautions to take.
Yes. Cooked broccoli may even be better for them. It is easier to digest, and the cooking process can bring out nutrients and make them more bioavailable—or able to be absorbed by the bloodstream. While dogs can also eat raw broccoli and may enjoy the crunch, cooked is usually recommended.
Yes, dogs can eat broccoli sprouts. Broccoli sprouts contain even more sulforaphane—the nutrient that gives it anti-inflammatory and antioxidant powers. You don’t have to give your dog much. Your dog will get all the nutrition while eating fewer veggies.
Yes, dogs can eat all parts of broccoli. The stalks—the bottom stem part of the plant—may contain more fiber than the florets at the top. Just make sure you either cut them up very small or cook them—steaming or boiling is typically best.
Don’t stop at “Can dogs eat broccoli?” Many veggies are not only dog-appropriate but also nutritious, so there’s no reason for them to get bored eating the same things. You can combine broccoli with steamed carrots or cauliflower or choose a different leafy green vegetable occasionally—like spinach or kale. Green beans can be a good choice, along with brussels sprouts. After consulting your veterinarian and receiving their approval, you can explore what your dog likes best. Be sure to keep these food additions under 10% of their total daily diet.
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