No, dogs cannot eat marshmallows. While generally speaking, if your dog sneaks a marshmallow or two, they should be fine, some serious health concerns can stem from your dog eating too much of the sugary confection. That means that the answer to “Can dogs eat marshmallows?” is most often “No.” As always, please consult your veterinarian before adding new foods to your dog’s diet to ensure it’s an appropriate snack for your pet. If you notice your pup has an adverse reaction to marshmallows containing xylitol, contact animal poison control immediately.
Even if your regular brand of marshmallows doesn’t contain xylitol, they’re still not going to be a wholesome snack for your pup. The ingredients they’re made of offer almost no nutritional value to dogs or humans. The canine digestive system is especially unsuited to marshmallows, meaning even a couple can cause gastrointestinal issues for your pup. Worse yet, more and more marshmallows are being sweetened with artificial sweeteners such as xylitol which is toxic to dogs. This even applies to queries like “Can dogs eat jet puffed marshmallows?” and “Can dogs eat mini marshmallows?”
There is no health benefit from feeding marshmallows to dogs. Most marshmallows are made from sugar, corn syrup and gelatin—all ingredients that aren’t great for humans and even worse for dogs.
While they can derive nutrients from vegetables and grains, dogs are mostly carnivores, and this means that most of the nutrition they need to remain active and happy comes from eating animal products. Sweeteners—including sugar—are going to result in extra unnecessary calories and potential cavities for your dog. They may not be able to fully digest all the ingredients in marshmallows either.
To put it plainly, their digestive systems aren’t suited to ingesting the amount of sugar that comes with each marshmallow. Even a couple of marshmallows run the risk of causing gastrointestinal distress for your dog, such as diarrhea, vomiting and constipation. The additional sugar in their diet can lead to obesity, diabetes, and a significantly shortened life span in the long run.
Marshmallows are derived from the sap of the mallow plant that is combined with sugar. However, parts of the mallow also have holistic benefits for humans—and some argue, for canines. One of the primary uses of the mallow root is a treatment for coughs and a sore throat. This can lead to questions like “Can dogs eat marshmallow pills?” and “Can dogs eat marshmallows for coughs?”
Mallow root is generally harmless to dogs, but there is not a lot of confirmation on this or its health benefits in canines. It’s highly recommended to consult your veterinarian first to ensure it’s okay for your pet.
If your pup manages to eat a couple of marshmallows that have fallen on the floor—and they don’t contain xylitol—your pet should be fine. However, suppose your dog managed to get into a whole bag and has a bad reaction to marshmallows. In that case, they will likely exhibit signs of gastrointestinal distress, including vomiting, lack of appetite and diarrhea. If they’ve ingested marshmallows containing xylitol, your canine companion could exhibit the above symptoms, as well as a stumbling walk, troubling seizures and even a coma.
Can dogs eat marshmallows without getting sick? Yes, it’s entirely possible—in fact likely—that a couple of marshmallows will have no real negative effects on your dog, but the possibility is always there, and it’s not a risk worth taking.
If your pet has eaten just a few marshmallows that didn’t contain xylitol, you’re likely fine just monitoring them for signs of gastrointestinal distress. If vomiting and diarrhea worsen, if your pup managed to consume a whole bag of marshmallows or if any of the marshmallows contained the sweetener xylitol, you should contact animal poison control or your veterinarian immediately. The answer to “Can dogs eat marshmallows?” can vary when it comes to canine health, so consulting your vet to be on the cautious side is highly recommended.
It’s unlikely that you’re sharing a cup of warm cocoa and marshmallows with your pup—so the most likely scenario in which your dog is eating enough of this sugary food to become sick is if it is being left out around the house.
Make sure not to leave bags of marshmallows or jars of whipped marshmallows unattended on counters where dogs can grab them. They’re also better stored on high shelves or sealed in chew-proof containers. If you have kids who love this confectionary treat, be sure to stress the importance of keeping it away from their pets.
It is not recommended to give your dog any marshmallows. One marshmallow is unlikely to cause severe harm, but it’s still not healthy to feed to your dog.
Marshmallows of any kind, including flavored, are not good for your dog. In fact, flavored options might even be worse than regular marshmallows. Artificial flavorings can have potentially unhealthy side effects for your dog, and they are best avoided.
No, dogs should not eat marshmallows of any kind. In fact, mint-flavored marshmallows might be especially dangerous for dogs. Xylitol is a common sweetener for mint-flavored foods; while it’s harmless to humans, it’s toxic and potentially deadly to dogs.
If your dog does manage to eat any mint marshmallows, check the ingredients listed on the packaging. Consult your veterinarian or call animal poison control right away if xylitol is listed as an ingredient.
Dogs probably love marshmallows because they’ve seen a human enjoy them or offer them as a treat. Your dog is likely interested in what you eat and probably associates the “treats” you provide with affection and approval.
That being said, feeding your dog sugary treats is never a good idea. While these treats might not be life-threatening in small amounts, they can be if your dog eats them frequently or excessively. Ideally, marshmallows should be avoided. Instead, opt for healthier snacks that provide better nutritional value. At Petco, we offer a variety of treats and food formulated to provide your pup with the nutrition—and natural flavors—that canines crave.
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