Yes, dogs can eat peaches but with some caveats. Never toss a whole ripe peach your dog’s way and let them gobble it up whole. While the flesh is typically fine for canines to consume, other parts of the peach can be toxic and cause severe gastrointestinal issues or other health complications. Before adding any new food to your pup’s diet—and that includes peaches—consult your veterinarian to ensure it’s an appropriate option for your pet.
Can dogs eat canned peaches? And can dogs eat dried peaches? The answer to both those questions is no. Canned peaches and dried peaches usually contain a lot of sugar and preservatives that are likely to upset a dog’s digestive system. If fed excessively, the sugar can also cause unwanted weight gain, which in turn can lead to pancreatitis.
Keep in mind that peaches, like any other snack or treat you give your dog, should be fed in moderation and make up no more than 10 percent of their daily calories. While eating an occasional chunk of peach won’t affect your dog’s overall health, your pet may appreciate the texture and sweet taste.
Can dogs eat peaches safely? Yes. When feeding your dog peaches, there are a couple of important considerations to keep in mind to reduce the risks of choking, cyanide poisoning and weight gain.
The first consideration is that the dog’s digestive system isn’t specifically built to consume fruit. Too many peaches could cause gastrointestinal upset, and the extra sugar intake could be unsafe for them in the long run, too.
The other consideration is the pit in the center of the peach. The peach pit is hard and rough. If your dog bites into it, it could damage their teeth. If they attempt to eat it, they could choke, or the rough surface of the peach could damage their mouth, throat or digestive tract. Furthermore, peach pits contain trace amounts of cyanide, which is toxic to dogs. Remove any stems or leaves, as they are choking hazards, too.
Can dogs eat cut-up peaches? Absolutely. After taking the preceding precautions, you can cut the peach into bite-size chunks, about the size of their treats, to help further reduce the risk of choking.
» MORE: Learn about fruits and vegetables that dogs can and cannot eat.
Yes, they can eat fresh peaches. But can dogs eat canned peaches? And can dogs eat dried peaches? No and no. While they’re unlikely to cause any immediate harm to your dog, canned peaches are usually high in sugar and other preservatives that can upset your dog’s digestive system and prove unhealthy for them in the long run.
Dried peaches are also not recommended for your dog since they contain plenty of processed sugar and preservatives that can lead to an upset stomach and obesity if consumed too regularly. Dried fruit also has a tendency to loosen up the digestive system. Sudden stomach upsets and diarrhea not only make a mess but can also dehydrate your pup.
Just because dogs can eat peaches doesn’t mean they should do so regularly or in large quantities. Peaches and other fruits can be tasty treats, but they’re not an essential part of a canine diet. As such, peaches and other goodies should make up no more than 10 percent of your dog’s daily calories.
Peaches can be a great treat for your dog since they’re full of healthful vitamins, fiber and antioxidants. The primary nutrients dogs need to stay active and maintain their overall wellness, however, are probably already well represented in the dry and wet foods that make up your pet’s regular diet. Still, rewarding your dog with a new food that doesn’t negatively impact their health is something pet parents and pets can all get behind.