Can Dogs Eat Pineapple?

Updated on July 18, 2024
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Pineapple can be a wholesome, delicious treat. It’s packed with antioxidants, can help with digestion and has anti-inflammatory properties. It’s also sweet, tart and refreshing and can be a great snack any time of the year.

We know pineapple can be good for humans, but can dogs have pineapple? It turns out that most dogs can have this fruit in small amounts. It’s important to consult your veterinarian before adding new foods to your dog’s diet since your pet’s sensitivities can be unique. Contact your vet or pet poison control immediately if you notice any adverse reactions after your dog eats pineapple.

For dogs, pineapple can be both yummy and beneficial—in surprising ways.

Health benefits of pineapple for dogs

When dogs eat pineapple, it can have the following benefits.

  • A good source of fiber: Pineapple has 0.8 grams of fiber per 56-gram serving. When your dog eats pineapple, the fiber can help prevent constipation by absorbing water, which aids digestion 
  • Hydration: Speaking of water, pineapples can be a great source of hydration. They are made up of 87% water, so their juiciness can aid in your dog’s overall water intake for the day
  • Helping to ease inflammation: Is pineapple good for dogs with inflammation? It can be, thanks to vitamin C and bromelain. Vitamin C has been shown to help prevent inflammation and support the immune system—just like in humans. Bromelain is an enzyme found in both pineapple and papaya that has been found to help prevent swelling and inflammation. However, while these compounds can help support a healthy immune system, they are not cures or preventions of illness by themselves. If you are concerned your pet may have an issue with inflammation or their immune system, consult your veterinarian. 


» MORELearn about fruits and vegetables that dogs can and cannot eat.

How to feed pineapples to your dog

Pineapple is typically fine for dogs, but all pet parents should be aware of some precautions.

  • Only give your dog small quantities at a time: When it comes to pineapple for dogs, too much isn’t a good thing. An excessive amount can cause an upset stomach due to the fiber and the natural sugar that pineapples contain. Make sure you slowly introduce pineapple to your dog’s diet and only give them a few chunks a day. Like all food you add to your dog’s diet, consult your veterinarian if your pet shows symptoms of vomiting or diarrhea—and discontinue feeding them pineapple immediately. Your dog could have a sensitivity.  
  • Never give your dog the core, leaves, seeds or skin of a pineapple: At best, these can give your dog a tummy ache. At worst, they can cause a blockage in your pet’s digestive tract. Make sure you only give your dogs the same soft, fleshy parts of the fruit that you eat.  
  • Only give your dog fresh pineapple, not canned: Often, canned pineapple has too much sugar for dogs, especially if it’s packed in syrup. Like most fruits and vegetables, the canned version of pineapple is not recommended because of additives and preservatives.
  • Dried pineapple is not recommended for dogs: Are pineapples good for dogs? In most cases, yes. But one of the key benefits pineapples provide for dogs is hydration. Not only does drying suck all the moisture out of fruit, but it also tends to concentrate the sugar content. If you want to give your dog pineapple as a snack, fresh pineapple is the recommended way to go.  


FAQs about feeding your dog pineapple

When given properly and in small amounts, pineapple is OK for dogs, and they can benefit from this tasty treat high in vitamin C and fiber. However, if you feed your pet too much pineapple, the excess sugar and fiber can cause diarrhea, vomiting, gas or stomach upset. Avoid the core, leaves and skin, which can result in more serious digestive issues for your dog.

In rare cases, pineapple may cause vomiting in your dog if they have consumed too much or if they have a sensitivity to the fruit. The more common side effects of allowing dogs to eat pineapple in excess are gas, stomach upset and diarrhea. If your dog begins vomiting after eating pineapple, immediately consult your veterinarian or contact pet poison control.

The flesh of a raw pineapple is unlikely to kill dogs when consumed. At most, it can cause stomach upset and other digestive issues. However, you should avoid the core, leaves and skin, which can result in more serious digestive issues for your dog. Dogs and pineapple rinds do not mix well; the rind’s sharp texture can cause more severe health issues in rare cases where it is not chewed well and damages the stomach lining.

Additionally, most store-bought pineapples don’t contain seeds—but you may notice some from time to time. These seeds contain small amounts of cyanide, so it is important to check for and remove them when you feed your dog pineapple.

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