Service Dogs: Helping Those Who Served Our Country

Flashbacks, bad dreams, difficulty sleeping, guilt, depression, fear and worry plague a worringly large proportion of the men and women who have spent time in war zones. While many factors can contribute to how Post Traumatic Stress Disorder manifests in veterans, including where and how the war is fought, reported rates of PTSD range from 11-30% of veterans, depending on the service era.  Many veterans dealing with the crippling effects of PTSD experience hopelessness and fear that there's no viable solution. In fact, studies have shown that less than half of returning veterans ever seek mental health treatment, and countless others face wait times at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs that can stretch into months or years.

But a recent upsurge of a simple, relatively inexpensive technique has changed veterans' lives for the better. This solution comes with four paws, a wet nose and very specialized training: service dogs. Veterans who utilize service dogs report lower levels of depression and anxiety, fewer hospitalizations and numerous other benefits.

Many heroes have two legs, but some have four. For these brave, specialized working dogs, the greatest joy in life comes from partnering with a veteran who needs them. Read on to find out how service dogs make a real difference.

Life saving benefits of service dogs for veterans

Service dogs for veterans: The basics

First to clarify, service dogs are different than emotional support animals, which are different than therapy dogs. Therapy dogs can have a variety of jobs, including giving learning-disabled children support to read out loud or visit with people in hospitals or nursing homes. Service dogs help people with disabilities perform tasks, which helps the handler attain safety and independence. And PTSD and psychiatric service dogs provide emotional support with people that have PTSD and other mental health conditions.

An estimated 20% of veterans that have returned from Afghanistan and Iraq have PTSD and/or depression. When Traumatic Brain Injuries are factored into the equation, the percentage of veterans suffering from debilitating symptoms such as severe social anxiety, flashbacks, nightmares and hypervigilance is much higher. It's easy to wonder how an animal can help our brave men and women when so many other treatment methods fail. The truth is, not every dog fits the bill. Just like the soldiers, sailors, Marines and airmen they help, service dogs are highly trained professionals with a job to do.

When it comes to service dogs and veterans, the premise is simple: Partner a veteran dealing with depression, PTSD, anxiety, TBI or any other post-war disability (including limited mobility, amputation or visual or auditory impairments) with a carefully selected, highly-trained canine teammate. While people with physical disabilities have long been partnered with service dogs, PTSD and psychiatric service dogs are a relatively newer resource.

Service dogs are chosen for their solid temperaments, calm demeanor, ability to serve under pressure and handler focus. Many are also highly intuitive and selected for their potential to bond so deeply they can alert their veteran to issues such as seizures, migraines or debilitating shifts in mood before the veteran even knows what's happening.

Service dog training

Working dogs partnered with veterans (or other qualified people) aren't pets. Their special status as service dogs permits them to accompany their veterans anywhere general members of the public are allowed, including supermarkets, restaurants and places of entertainment, among many others. Service dogs must meet minimum standards of behavior and possess training to mitigate their veteran's disability, which means each service dog will have different skills and training depending on the person they will be helping.

Very few dogs are suitable for work as a service dog, and even for professionals, predicting a dog's aptitude can be very difficult. Riann Cambio, head trainer at the Phoenix-based program K9 Lifeline Dog Training, says service dog candidates must be unshakable in all scenarios and situations (especially if they will be paired with veterans). "These dogs must always be calm, always be willing to dive into tense or emotional situations with their veterans and always respond quickly and efficiently when asked to work," Cambio explains. It's also imperative that service dogs want to work. "They were born for this job, and we're just giving them the opportunity," Cambio goes on to note. "Finding the right dog is very difficult. It takes experience, extensive temperament testing and sometimes a little luck."

Service dogs—and their ability to work in public—are protected by federal and state laws. While there are several pieces of service dog legislation, the most well-known is the Americans with Disabilities Act. It defines service dogs, disabilities, public accommodations and many other associated terms. It also provides an exact breakdown of where service dogs may accompany their handler, what businesses may ask of the human and pet team if they're concerned about their legitimacy and basic standards for behavior.

The benefits of partnering with a service dog extend beyond singular support tasks. Of course, in order to be a service dog with public access, the dog must possess specialized training, but outside of training, these unique animals are still friendly and loveable. They offer support, love and unconditional understanding. They help establish schedules and routines through their feeding and walking requirements and they offer distraction through playtime. These animals serve as friends and confidants. They're not just dogs; they're part of a team.

How to get a service dog for a veteran

Per the ADA, anyone with a diagnosed disability that affects their quality of life in one or more major ways can partner with a service dog, as long as the service dog has individualized training to mitigate the person's disability. That means a pet dog without proper training is not a service dog. Additionally, people who can best have their needs met via other accommodations are not eligible for a service dog.

There are two primary requirements for a veteran to have a service dog:

  1. The veteran must have a diagnosed disability
  2. The veteran must receive or train a dog that possesses the proper temperament and aptitude for service dog work to alleviate the effects of that disability

Nationwide programs train and place service dogs with veterans, but the law also allows for veterans to select and self-train their own dog. There is no required certification, paperwork, documentation or gear for service dogs, although there are standards of behavior and training that must be met before a new service dog team can work in public.

The requirements of service dog programs vary, and each organization must be contacted individually to find out about their application and training process. Typically, a doctor's note, letter of recommendation and proof of military service must be provided. There may or may not be a cost for the service dog. Patriot Paws is a well-known program that provides dogs at no cost and Dogs2DogTags is another great program that requires no out of pocket payments from veterans. Many programs assist veterans with fundraising or offer financing programs and payment plans. There are scholarships and grants available on a very limited basis and the Veterans Administration may assist with payment (although it is very rare).

Service dogs and veterans: The rest of the story

For many veterans, life after partnering with a service dog is wildly different than life before. They enjoy hobbies and activities they stopped participating in. They go out for dinner with family and friends without having anxiety attacks. They no longer wake up in the middle of night drenched in a cold sweat. Life improves and becomes fun again with the help of their K9 teammate.

How you can help

Join the Petco Foundation to honor the lifesaving impact that service and therapy animals have on countless lives. Contributions to the Petco Foundation’s Helping Heroes campaign can be made at any Petco store or online with all funds going to service and therapy animal organizations throughout the United States. Since 2012, through the public’s Helping Heroes contributions, the Petco Foundation has been able to invest more than $14 million to support the life-changing work of these canine companions.

Article by: Kea Grace

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