All About Dog Cancer Testing & Screening

Did you know? Pet cancer is the No. 1 health problem for dogs and cats. In fact, dogs and cats get cancer at roughly the same rate as humans. And there’s more: Cancer is the leading disease-related killer among dogs and cats, accounting for nearly 50% of these deaths. The good news: Detected early, pet cancer can be effectively treated.

Keep an eye on 10 Early Warning Signs to watch for, as recommended by the Veterinary Cancer Society:

  1. Abnormal, persistent swelling
  2. Sores that do not heal
  3. Loss of weight
  4. Loss of appetite
  5. Bleeding or discharge from any body opening
  6. Offensive odor
  7. Difficulty eating or swallowing
  8. Hesitation to exercise or loss of stamina
  9. Persistent lameness or stiffness
  10. Difficulty breathing, urinating or defecating

If your pet has any of these early warning signs, you should take him to the veterinarian as soon as possible for a complete examination.

To improve your dog's odds, read on to learn more about dog cancer and the current treatment options available. 

While these numbers may be scary, the good news is there's a good way to potentially beat the odds -- prioritizing early detection.

You only want the best for your pet. And as the thought of your dog getting diagnosed with cancer is a scary thought, there are ways you can catch it early on. For more information about cancer screenings and care, consult with Petco's Veterinary Services.


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