Help Fix Your Dog's Seasonal, Environmental & Food-Based Allergies
Does your dog seem itchy and uncomfortable? Do they have stomach or skin problems you can’t figure out? Dog allergies could be the cause.
Allergies are one of the most common health conditions in dogs and can be a lifelong battle. But with the correct information and strategies, you can help fix your dog’s itchy skin and other issues and get them on the path to good overall health.
There are three main categories of dog allergies—food and medication allergies, environmental and seasonal allergies and flea allergies.
Food allergies are not all that common in dogs; however, dogs can develop these allergies at any stage of their life. The most common food allergens for dogs are beef, dairy products, chicken and wheat, but other foods may be involved as well. Nutrition designed for dogs with allergies often helps eliminate these ingredients.
Like people, dogs can also be allergic to medications. Steroids, antibiotics (like penicillin) and NSAIDs (like carprofen) can sometimes cause reactions. While medication allergies are rare in dogs, they can come on quickly, so always keep an eye on your pup after administering a new drug.
These allergies are caused by tiny airborne particles in your home or the surrounding area and can have natural or man-made causes. Mold spores, dander and house mites are examples of natural environmental allergens; allergens that humans might bring into your home include cigarette smoke, cleaning products (including any detergent you use to wash your dog’s bedding), down feathers and perfumes.
Seasonal allergies can also be considered environmental, but this type of allergy typically comes around once or twice a year, at least to begin with. Severity and time frame depends on where you live, but seasonal allergies are most common in spring and fall if they are caused by pollen from trees, grasses or weeds.
Dogs with flea allergies have an outsized reaction to flea bites. Just one flea bite can lead to incredible itchiness and incessant scratching, biting and rubbing. Dogs may also develop bald spots, skin lesions and skin infections. Fleas can be hard to spot, but if you see flea dirt—the black specks of poop that adult fleas leave behind—you have all the evidence you need.
Symptoms can vary depending on the type of allergy. However, there are few common signs to look for. Generally, a dog with chronic itchiness that has no obvious underlying cause may have allergies.
Is your pup constantly scratching, rolling on the carpet or biting at their paws and tail? That’s a dog with itchy skin—and it may be a sign of allergies. Even if you don’t see anything else wrong, you’ll want to consult a veterinarian. Scratching and biting can easily escalate into fur loss, self-trauma and infections. More visible signs of dog skin problems include inflammation and redness, hives and other bumps and chronic ear infections.
When combined with skin problems, gastrointestinal symptoms like diarrhea and vomiting may indicate food allergies or sensitivities. These symptoms are never fun, especially for your dog, so you’ll want to get them sorted out as soon as you can.
Symptoms of environmental allergies can include itchy, watery eyes, a runny nose, coughing and sneezing, but skin problems are more common. If symptoms only show up at a certain time of year, it’s likely seasonal allergies that are triggered by pollen, grass or weeds. If symptoms occur at other times of the year or year-round, that could indicate a reaction to something in your home or neighborhood, although dogs with seasonal allergies often progress to having year-round symptoms over time.
Acute allergy symptoms are an immediate reaction to something your dog has come in contact with and often manifests as facial swelling, including the lips, eyelids and ears. They can be environmental or due to something your dog has eaten. Common causes are bee stings, vaccines and foods. And just like humans, dogs can go into anaphylactic shock, so if your dog is having worrisome symptoms like difficulty breathing or swallowing, get them to a veterinarian immediately.
Diagnosing dog allergies can be a real pain in the tail. Unless your pup has an evident and immediate adverse reaction to something, the specific underlying causes of allergies can often be a bit of a mystery. Here are a few things your veterinarian might try.
Testing is often the easiest and fastest way to diagnose dog allergies. It can help detect many food and environmental allergies, but it can still miss things if they’re not included in the test, so the more comprehensive it is, the better.
Dog allergy testing can be done in several ways. Intradermal testing involves injecting small doses of allergens into the skin to look for reactions. Serum testing just requires blood samples but isn’t as accurate as intradermal testing. There are also at-home tests that use saliva or fur—these might not be as reliable as intradermal or serum testing but can be a good option in some cases.
The best way to diagnose suspected food allergies is with an elimination diet. In an elimination diet, you’ll feed your dog a food made with a protein source they’ve never been exposed to or one that is made with hydrolyzed proteins that have been broken into such tiny pieces that they aren’t recognized by the immune system. The diet is ideally home-cooked or prescribed by a vet to avoid cross-contamination.
This type of food is often made with uncommon protein sources, like venison, rabbit, or duck. Choose one your dog hasn’t had and feed them only that protein or a hydrolyzed diet for 8–12 weeks—no human food, supplements, rawhide, bones or other treats can be given. If allergy symptoms disappear or get much better, you’ll have determined that a food allergy is to blame for your dog’s symptoms. You can then gradually add more traditional proteins back into your dog’s diet to see which ones they react to. Eventually, you’ll have a list of ingredients that are safe and ingredients to avoid.
One type of allergy is relatively easy to diagnose: Flea allergy dermatitis is an overreaction to flea bites. It often results in severe itchiness and hair loss and is most common in dogs ages 3–5. Your veterinarian can usually diagnose this type of allergy by looking for fleas or evidence of their presence (like flea dirt), saving you the time and cost of dog allergy testing. When there’s any doubt, a veterinarian may recommend aggressive flea control and monitor your dog to see if their symptoms improve.
Diagnosing allergies is the hard part. Once you know what’s causing the reaction, treating dog allergies may seem relatively easy. For acute allergic reactions, emergency care is always the best course of treatment.
You want to relieve your dog’s discomfort as soon as possible—so what can you give a dog with allergies? You can help alleviate your dog’s itchy skin and other symptoms with the right over-the-counter allergy products like shampoos, skin & coat sprays and supplements like fish as you figure out what’s going on. Benadryl (diphenhydramine) can also sometimes be used for dogs—but ask your veterinarian about proper dosing.
Once you know the specific cause of your dog’s allergies, avoiding exposure to that allergen is the cornerstone of treatment. Food designed for dogs with sensitivities can limit the number of ingredients you’re feeding your dog and help you avoid food triggers. Flea medications can prevent flea bites and flea bite allergies. It can be hard to avoid environmental allergens like pollen and mold spores, but frequent baths are a good way to remove these triggers from a dog’s skin & coat.
Allergy relief prescriptions may be appropriate for more severe allergies or those that can’t be avoided, like seasonal allergies. Medications like corticosteroids, Atopica, Apoquel or Cytopoint can be used in combination with other allergy-relieving treatments.
Immunotherapy can also help alleviate your pup’s allergies. Small doses of the allergen are given over 4–6 months, “training” the immune system not to respond to the allergen. Immunotherapy can be expensive but worth it for severe allergies.
Flea allergy dermatitis can be managed with preventive treatments. Flea & tick treatment can help prevent this reaction and as well as tapeworms and serious diseases like Lyme disease, ehrlichiosis and Rocky Mountain spotted fever.
Flea prevention is an essential part of any dog health care routine—but what is the most effective flea treatment for dogs? Options abound, including tablets given orally, topical treatments and collars. Collars can be an economical choice but may not be as effective as oral or topical treatments. Chewable tablets are quickly becoming one of the most popular choices thanks to their reported effectiveness and ease of use.
Dog allergies can be frustrating—for you and your dog. Dogs with itchy skin just can’t seem to stop scratching. Gastrointestinal problems can be messy and uncomfortable. And no one likes to see their best friend in discomfort. But help is available for dedicated dog parents. Armed with the latest information about the symptoms, causes, testing and treatments for dog allergies, you’re ready to tackle this problem with confidence.
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