Causes and Treatments for Your Itchy Cat

Itchy cat

While it's normal for a cat to scratch an itch here and there, if you have noticed that your cat seems extra itchy, you might be wondering what is causing their itchy skin and what you can do about it.

Signs that your cat is dealing with itchiness include excessive licking, scratching and chewing on or biting themselves. If your cat is showing these signs, you’re not alone. Itchy skin is a common issue for cats, and determining the cause is essential to finding the proper treatment for your cat’s skin and overall wellbeing.

In this guide, we’ll help you discover the common causes of itching in cats and what you can do to help your feline family member find relief.

Why is my cat itchy?

If you have an itchy cat, there are several reasons why they might be dealing with itchy skin, ears or paws. Step one is a visit to your vet.

What to expect at the vet

Your veterinarian will perform a physical exam and will ask you about the symptoms you have noticed at home. Your vet will also want to know how long your cat has been itchy and if your cat’s itchiness has worsened over time.

During a physical examination of your cat, your vet will pay particular attention to your cat’s skin, ears and paw pads to look for redness, crusting, scaling, hair loss or evidence of an external parasite.

In most cases, your vet will also need to run testing to determine the root cause for itchy skin, medically referred to as pruritus. Testing may include an ear cytology, skin cytology, skin scrapes or cultures.

For example, if your cat has itchy ears, an ear cytology will help your vet determine what might be causing the irritation, such as a yeast or other bacterial infection. 

In some cases, your vet may also recommend more extensive testing, including biopsies, blood testing, fecal testing, fungal cultures or allergy testing.

The goal of these tests is to determine whether allergies, pests or underlying medical issues are causing the itchiness.

Potential causes of pruritus in cats

After a thorough examination and testing, your vet might conclude that one of the following is the cause of pruritus in your cat, though this list is not exhaustive:

  • Allergies
  • Feline acne
  • Fleas 
  • Ticks
  • Chiggers
  • Hookworms
  • Lice 
  • Bacterial skin infections
  • Ear mites
  • Drug reactions

How can I soothe my cat’s itchy skin?

The best treatment will depend a lot on what is causing your cat to feel itchy in the first place. Your vet will recommend a pruritus treatment based on the underlying issue, including the following options for dealing with itchiness in cats.

For flea & tick allergies ˇ

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Fleas & ticks are a particularly common cause of itchy skin, especially for cats who go outside or have canine siblings. Cats who are bitten by fleas can develop a reaction to flea saliva, resulting in excessive itching, bare spots on their coat, red or irritated skin and even visible sores. If you discover your cat is dealing with a pest infestation, the first step is to get rid of the pests. This should begin by treating your cat. You can use a flea & tick collar to help kill fleas, flea eggs, flea larvae and ticks. Additionally, topical treatments and shampoos can help to kill pests, as well as prevent the hatching of new fleas. Many medicated shampoos and sprays are designed to soothe itchy skin, offering comfort to your itchy feline. Routine grooming can also help prevent future issues. Finally, be sure to schedule a visit to your vet. Your vet can help recommend flea & tick control options, such as oral prescription medications. A year-round pest prevention plan for your cat can help them avoid the discomfort of itchy skin caused by fleas or ticks.  To keep any pest populations under control, it’s a good idea to treat your yard and home. Whatever pest prevention products you decide to use, make sure they are specifically formulated for cats, since dog products can be harmful to your cat.

For dry skin ˇ

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Cats can develop dry skin for a few reasons, including nutritional deficiencies, low humidity in their environment and advanced age, among others. If your cat’s skin is reacting to low humidity in your home, a humidifier in the room where your cat spends most of their time can be a quick fix. If nutritional deficiencies are the cause, your cat’s flaky, dry skin can be treated through a change in diet (some cat food recipes are specific to skin conditions) or cat supplements—omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, as well as vitamins C, E and A all help promote healthy skin. Be sure to consult with your vet before making a change in your cat’s diet. Your veterinarian may even recommend a prescription food for particularly dry skin. For age-related itchiness, shampoos that contain oatmeal can help ease skin irritation. Routine grooming can also help aging cats find continued relief from itchiness. 

For allergy symptoms ˇ

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Both food and environmental allergies can impact your cat’s skin, and singling out the specific trigger will require a little help from your veterinarian. While food allergies are somewhat rare, a change in diet for a cat with a food sensitivity can help effectively eliminate skin problems. Environmental factors can be more difficult to determine since your cat likely encounters a lot of different elements around your home. Start by taking note of recent changes in detergents, soaps, cleaners, etc. Since the process of discovering what’s causing your cat to itch from allergies starts with your veterinarian, make an appointment and be sure to ask about interim relief options. Anti-itch remedies like hypoallergenic shampoos can also be effective in some cases.

For seasonal changes ˇ

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Just like humans, cats can develop allergies to particles in the air or on plants and other things that change from month to month. If you’ve noticed that your cat gets itchy skin at the same time every year, mention it to your veterinarian and ask about common seasonal allergens you should look out for. Your veterinarian can also help you determine the best course of action for seasonal allergy issues, including sprays and shampoos.

Petco products for itchy cats

Staying on top of your cat’s skin health with regular inspections is another way to discover problems—and figure out solutions—before they become uncomfortable for your cat. Check your cat’s skin daily for dryness, flaking, cuts, redness, scratches, lumps, patches of hair loss or signs of fleas & ticks. If you discover an issue, make an appointment with a veterinarian to discuss potential causes and treatment options.

Petco’s Animal Care, Education and Compliance (ACE) Team

Petco’s ACE team is a passionate group of experienced pet care experts dedicated to supporting the overall health & wellness of pets. The ACE team works to develop animal care operations and standards across the organization and promote proper animal care and education for Pet Care Center partners and pet parents, while also ensuring regulatory compliance.


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