Skin infections are relatively common in dogs, especially among those who spend a lot of time roughhousing outdoors or have underlying allergic diseases. When your dog gets cut or scratched, they create an opportunity for a bacterial infection. This can be from bacteria that normally live on their skin and coat or from bacteria in the environment. Chronic skin conditions can also lead to bacterial infections. And just like with humans, infections may come with painful symptoms and, if left untreated, lead to severe illness.
Taking care of your dog’s skin is an important contributor to their overall health. Read on to learn more about common causes of bacterial skin infections in dogs, how to recognize this type of infection and the medications used to treat dog skin infection.
Most of the time, your dog’s bacterial skin infection will result from a main health issue like fleas, ticks, allergies, chronic skin conditions, infrequent grooming, a wound gathering bacteria or hypothyroidism. If there isn’t an obvious cause that you and your vet are aware of, they may perform skin scrapings or collect cultures to determine the exact cause.
The medical term for skin infections in dogs is pyoderma. This broad term refers to infections originating from fungal or bacterial organisms. There are many reasons your pup might have a bacterial infection, most leading back to broken skin. When your dog is bitten by an insect, scrapes themselves while playing or gets into an altercation, for example, their wound can become vulnerable.
To make matters worse, many dogs who have a wound or bite on their skin will chew at it or scratch it to help ease their discomfort. These natural responses may exacerbate the size of the injury and further upset the balance of good vs. bad bacteria, possibly leading to a fungal and/or bacterial infection in the dog’s skin.
Dogs are also susceptible to skin infections if they have chronic skin conditions or underlying allergic disease. If your pooch experiences regular hair loss or red skin, be on the lookout for infections. Basically, any time your dog has broken skin, there is an opportunity for bacteria, fungus and other organisms to creep in.
Bacterial infections can affect dogs differently depending on the type of infection that forms. Many veterinarians distinguish varieties of bacterial infections based on how deep they penetrate the skin of your pup. Here are three common categories of bacterial skin infections—or pyodermas.
Your dog’s bacterial skin infection can originate from a few different sources. While only a veterinarian can diagnose which bacteria is the culprit for your pet’s problems, here are some of the most common ones that can cause infections in dogs.
Typical symptoms of bacterial skin infections in dogs include red skin, inflammation, chewing behavior and itchiness. You may also notice hair loss or crusted skin. In more severe infections, your dog may experience lethargy and fever. Left untreated, a bacterial infection can also affect other areas of the body. Certain bacteria can cause kidney inflammation or other internal symptoms.
To properly diagnose your dog, your vet may deploy several—typically noninvasive—tests. These can include tape samples of a skin lesion, an impression smear, skin scrapings for mites, fungal cultures, a Wood’s lamp examination or bacterial culture. In more rare cases, your veterinarian may also want to conduct hormone testing or perform blood work. Combined with a visual assessment of the infected area, your vet can make an informed opinion about the most appropriate path forward.
Always consult your veterinarian if you suspect your dog has a skin infection, even though many treatments for bacterial infections can be done at home. Many ointments and medications require a prescription from your veterinarian. If your dog’s skin condition results from another underlying condition, they may need additional medication or testing.
Common dog skin infection treatment options include:
There are some at-home treatments for dogs with bacterial skin infections that may not kill the bacteria but can make your pup feel better.
Your vet may also approve other anti-itch remedies so long as they don’t interfere with prescribed medication. Ask about oatmeal baths and other soothing skin support products.
The easiest way to handle dog skin infections is to prevent them from occurring. While you can’t avoid all contact with undesirable bacteria, you can take some proactive steps.
Fast identification of a bacterial infection in your dog’s skin is the simplest way to help prevent a more serious health issue. While a surface-level infection might seem like just an inconvenience, an untreated infection can spread and become more serious. Consult your veterinarian if you think your dog has a skin infection, and prepare for the future by educating yourself on other kinds of infections such as leptospirosis. If you’re looking to establish a lifelong relationship with a vet, explore Petco’s veterinary services options. For more solutions to help keep your dog healthy and happy, check out Petco’s selection of dog vitamins, chews and bones and dog toys.
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