How to Handle Pets During Fireworks

Fireworks safety for pets

We may enjoy the beauty and fun of firework displays, but those pops, booms and crackles can be alarming for many of our pets.

While you might not be able to control the number of fireworks in your area this summer, there are things you can do to help lower your pet’s anxiety and contribute to their safety. Try out the following helpful tips as the firework displays begin.

1. Keep your pets inside

If you plan to attend a fireworks show, leave your pup at home for the evening. Not only can fireworks cause your dog to try to flee the area, but often these large gatherings can increase your dog’s anxiety. At home, your dog will feel safer, and you can ensure they are secure by locking gates and closing doors and windows.

If you plan to go on vacation for the 4th of July, make sure your pets are in a safe, comfortable environment. Take the time to double-check that there are no methods for escaping your hotel or rental. If you are boarding your pets, make sure you let your pet sitter or kennel know about potential anxiety your dog or cat might experience. Be sure they offer a calm, safe environment for your pet.

2. Offer fun activities

Try providing a fun distraction for pets who are often anxious during loud noises. Playing games and engaging in activities can help distract your pet from the fireworks.

Fireworks safety for pets

For example, place a favorite treat in your dog or cat’s food dish in a quiet room. As fireworks go off, keep tossing new treats into your pet’s food dish. Do this until the fireworks subside, helping to distract your pet from the alarming noises.

3. Create a calm environment

White noise, such as running a fan or playing soft music, can help to soothe your pet. Make sure that your pet has a comfortable place to escape to as well. A comfy bed with their favorite blanket tucked into the quietest corner of the house can help soothe their nerves.

Relaxation products can also help aid in calming. Consider trying out items such as a Thundershirt, a pheromones collar, a calming supplement or a diffuser, to aid in relaxing and calming your pet. Make sure that any product you opt to use you have tried out prior to the day fireworks will be shot off.

Noise anxiety aids from Petco

4. Ask about medication

For moderate-to-severe noise anxiety, your veterinarian may prescribe drugs to offer relief. Medications such as Valium, Xanax and Trazodone are common choices that can be used to help reduce anxiety.

A trial dose should be tested before the event, and it is important to remember that not all anti-anxiety medications are effective at treating noise sensitivities. As always, you should never administer a medication that was not prescribed by your veterinarian specifically for your pet.

5. Keep ID tags and microchips up to date

Although you want to do everything possible to avoid your pet from escaping, it is best to be prepared for a worst-case scenario situation.

Make sure that your pet is wearing their collar and that they have a clear ID tag with up-to-date information. If you haven’t already, visit a vet clinic to have your pet microchipped.

did you know?
If your pet does escape,Petco Love Lost can help you reunite with your pet through an online searchable database of found pets. Be sure to register your pet in the Petco Love Lost database before the fireworks kick off.

6. Talk to a trainer

If your pet experiences noise-related stress, a training expert may be able to help. Many professional trainers will work with you to help desensitize your dog to loud sounds through a series of careful exposure. Not only that, but through training, your dog can learn valuable recall queues and gain confidence.

If your pet experiences noise-related stress, a training expert may be able to help. Many professional trainers will work with you to help desensitize your dog to loud sounds through a series of careful exposure. Not only that, but through training, your dog can learn valuable recall queues and gain confidence.

Above all else, as the potential for loud noises increases this summer, spend time hanging out with your pet. Your presence can be extremely soothing and reassuring for your pet when they are feeling otherwise uncertain.


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