Updated On October 24th, 2015
Pet's info:
Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT 44
Licensed Veterinary Technician
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Shell rot is characterized by pitting, soft spots, foul odor or discharge or loss of scutes. It can be a serious condition and requires veterinary attention. Your turtle may have rot or the discoloration may be due to excess mold or algae. Clean the tank, do a water change and change the filter media. Confirm proper environmental conditions for your particular species of turtle. Try using a toothbrush and gently scrubbing the affected area of the shell. Make sure your turtle has a warm, dry basking area with proper UVB lighting. If your UVB bulb is older than 6 months, replace it. Do not place glass or plastic covers between the turtle and the UVB bulb. Feed an appropriate diet and dust food with a calcium supplement once a week.
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