My dog's eyes have been watery and red. She's been acting very down, and not herself. She's also been drinking lots of water.

Updated On November 25th, 2015

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Answered By Jessica Desrosiers

Veterinary Technician

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Red and watery eyes may indicate an issue such as an allergy to something, or even illness such as respiratory issues. You may see additional signs such as fever, lethargy, loss of appetite or even nasal discharge. An increase in drinking water may be related, or may just be an attempt to stay hydrated if your dog is dehydrated from not feeling well (you can check this by gently pinching the loose skin on the back of your dog's neck- if it is quick to go back to normal, your dog is hydrated, if it is slow or sticky in returning back to normal, it is an indication of dehydration). If her symptoms do not resolve within the next day or so, or if she shows additional signs of illness or worsening of already seen symptoms, then scheduling a veterinary checkup is best.

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