My dog has trouble walking, she can't go up stairs, jump on a bed, she can barely stand her self up. She doesn't whine or whimper for an injury.

Updated On January 21st, 2016

Pet's info: Dog | Labrador Retriever | Female | spayed

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Answered By Katie S

Certified Dog Trainer

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Sounds like your dog is having quite a few mobility issues. I'm not sure your how old your dog is, but with these symptoms I would suspect an older dog. There are things you can do to help (to a point) like adding a ramp or pet stairs to make going up and down easier, a good memory foam bed to soothe achy bones, glucosamine will help lubricate her joints so she moves a little easier, your vet may be able to offer some pain meds for the bad days but these are all temporary solutions. If she is an older pet this is where considering quality of life becomes important. She may be an older pet where these conditions get worse until she can't get outside to the bathroom and get to the food bowl. Simply getting to the necessities becomes a chore, that is not a life. It would be best to let her have her dignity and let her go if that is the case. Enjoy the time you have left together.

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