Two of my cats bridge of their noses are turning black and that is not their natural color

Updated On February 25th, 2016

Pet's info: Cat | Mixed Breed | Male | neutered

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Answered By Dr. Paula Simons


Various types of skin infections will cause a change in color of the skin. These include bacterial and fungal skin infections. I'd recommend having your cats seen by a veterinarian for a proper diagnosis.

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    Answered By Dr. Leigh, DVM


    It may just be a normal change in pigment color but could be secondary to a medical condition. Have them examined by a vet to determine the cause. Allergies, skin infections, endocrine diseases, and skin cancers can cause hyperpigmentation of the skin. Your vet can do some diagnostic tests, like skin scrapings, cytology, biopsy, and/or bloodwork, to determine the cause and best treatment.

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