Why would my cat start to only eat wet food, ignoring her expensive dry food she usually eats? She has EXCESSIVE urination, she is VERY overweight, i

Updated On April 20th, 2016

Pet's info: Cat | Mixed Breed | Female | spayed | 14 years and 3 months old

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Answered By David Elbeze, DVM, MRCVS


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I am assuming she is favoring wet food because it has more water in it and she is having a medical problem causing her dehydration. this could be caused by diabetes for example, but there could be other causes to that such as a chronic urinary condition. she needs to get to the vet as diagnosis in her condition is the key, she will need a blood test, i believe it should revile the problem.

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    Answered By Eve Pugh, DVM, CVA


    Sometimes a cat will switch to wet food if their mouth hurts. Attempting to crush the dry food causes discomfort. The excessive urination is an issue. This could be a sign of diabetes and kidney disease most commonly but other issues as well. Have your vet check her mouth and do some routine bloodwork with a urinalysis.

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