Updated On December 8th, 2014
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Answered By Dana Koch, VMD, MLAS 41
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Vaccinated animals are at a very low risk of acquiring distemper virus and passing it on to other dogs. This is because the virus cannot live without fresh secretions; it is inactivated in minutes outside the dog's body. The infected dog typically infects other dogs via coughing infected respiratory secretions though the virus is shed in most other body secretions, including urine. A dog with distemper, even if recovered from the virus can shed the infection for up to 2-3 months so I would restrict any future contact and monitor for any abnormal clinical signs, including coughing or nasal discharge.
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Other Answers
Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT
Licensed Veterinary Technician
Although the virus does not last long on its own in the environment, it can be carried on feet, hands or fur and could conceivably infect an unvaccinated dog. An infected dog should be isolated and treated if possible. The environment can be disinfected using commonly used disinfectants.
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