Hi, I am worried my cat has thrown up 2 days in a row

Updated On June 8th, 2016

Pet's info: Cat | American Shorthair | Female | spayed | 7 years and 8 months old

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Answered By Marcy McKeithen, DVM


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Best recommendation is to withdraw food for 12-24 hours. If the vomiting stops, resume feeding her normal cat food in smaller, more frequent meals. If the vomiting does not stop, beat recommendation is to have her evaluated by a veterinarian. She may be getting dehydrated and your vet may want to do some diagnostic testing. She may also benefit from medications to stop the vomiting. Cats can vomit for lots of reasons, such as organ dysfunction, gastrointestinal problems, or foreign bodies. Sometimes cats can vomit for (what seems like) no reason at all. It's important to rule out the more serious causes.

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