Updated On June 16th, 2016
Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed | Female | spayed
Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS 102
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In the pet's information, you have it listed that Cookie is spayed. If Cookie is spayed, she is unable to become pregnant. However, if that is incorrect, I am not sure if Cookie has had a litter of puppies before. A dog that has never been bred before who is an older dog such as yours might have problems whelping due to the pelvic bones losing their elasticity making for a very hard labor. Your dog may need a c-section to deliver. I would be prepared for this in advance. In addition, I would consider having her spayed at the time of c section (if she has a c section) because pregnancy is hard on older dogs, and I would not recommend her having another litter after this one. There is a higher chance than normal for a difficult delivery due to her age, and there some signs to look out for, such as a foul smelling discharge during labor, strong steady contractions for over an hour without any puppies being produced, the mother is very tired and/or vomiting during labor. I would suggest speaking to your vet about additional signs to look out for labor, and having your vet examine Cookie to make sure she is healthy during this pregnancy.
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