Updated On July 3rd, 2016
Pet's info: Cat | Mixed Breed | Female | spayed
Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS 102
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There are a couple of reasons behind why she may be doing this. One reason cats steal is for attention. When she takes the clothes, see gets attention from you for doing it. Even if the attention is negative, she still gets what she wants, and it reinforces the behavior. In addition, your cat may be stealing particular objects because they provide some comfort to her if she’s feeling stressed. Some cats engage in wool sucking behavior as a self-soothing mechanism so the objects stolen may include socks or other cloth items. Your cat may also steal an object that contains a family member’s scent as a way to self soothe. If you suspect the behavior is stress related, talk to your veterinarian to first make sure there isn’t an underlying medical condition, especially if your cat is engaging in wool sucking behavior. You can also speak to your vet about tips to stop her from engaging in this behavior.
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Other Answers
Answered By Jennifer Summerfield, DVM CPDT-KA
Veterinarian, Certified Dog Trainer
Many cats display this behavior at times - personally, I find it very endearing! :) Most of the time, it seems as though they want to show the objects to their owners; she may just want you to admire the objects and tell her she's a good girl. Some behaviorists theorize that this behavior is a variation on cats catching mice, birds, etc. and proudly presenting them to their owners - if Cassie doesn't hunt much, she may be using your pants and socks as a substitute for her "kills". Just admire them and tell her how wonderful she is, and she should be satisfied.
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