Updated On July 3rd, 2016
Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed | Male | neutered | 11 years and 4 months old
Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS 102
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I would be concerned that the Boots is bleeding from the penis due to a urinary tract infections, urinary tract calculi (stones), neoplasia or cancerous and/or cystic developments in the urinary tract. It can also be a sign of a prostate disease, such as prostate cancer. I would recommend taking Boots into your vet as soon as possible to have this checked out. Your vet can do a rectal exam to see if his prostate is enlarge, take a urine sample to check for infection or stones, and x-rays for signs of enlarged organs.
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Other Answers
Answered By Andrea M. Brodie, DVM
You should take your dog to a Pet ER or veterinarian as this could be a serious infection or an ulcerated tumor. If you put ice on it , it is important to not put the ice on it directly but make sure there is cloth or a towel between the ice and the penis so you do not cause the skin to freeze. If the bleeding does not stop, please take him to a Pet ER.
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Answered By Jennifer Summerfield, DVM CPDT-KA
Veterinarian, Certified Dog Trainer
It sounds like he may have injured his penis somehow - this can sometimes happen if they get it caught on a fence, or sharp object like a branch. Another possibility is a tumor of the penis - older dogs sometimes get these, and they can bleed easily without any trauma. If the penis is swollen and stuck outside the prepuce (the sheath of skin that normally covers it), then this is an emergency that needs to be treated tonight - circulation can be cut off and the tissue can begin to die, which can sometimes require surgery to try and fix. If not, I would try to have him seen sometime tomorrow if possible since it sounds like he will need an exam to determine the problem and probably antibiotics to help the wound heal.
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