Today I noticed a small bump on my dog's lower eyelid. What could this be?

Updated On July 25th, 2016

Pet's info: Dog | Rat Terrier | Female | spayed

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Answered By Jennifer Summerfield, DVM CPDT-KA

Veterinarian, Certified Dog Trainer

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A bump on the lower eyelid could be a few different things. If it's on the skin of the eyelid itself, it is likely to be a benign tumor such as a meibomian gland adenoma - dogs get tumors in this area very frequently, but they are benign over 90% of the time so not normally a concern unless they are irritating the eye and causing redness or discharge - in this case, they can be surgically removed. If the bump is on the inside of the lower eyelid (the conjuctival surface), then it could be a plugged duct or a sty - these are more likely to cause eye irritation, so may need antibiotics or other medication to treat. If you would like to upload a photo of the bump, you're welcome to request a consultation so that we can look at it - based on the photo, I could give you a better idea of what the bump may be. This doesn't sound like something that's an emergency, but if it's causing any redness or irritation to the eye, I would recommend having it examined by a vet within the next few days to determine what type of treatment may be needed.

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    Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS


    A small bump on Gerty's lower eye lid could be a stye. It could also be a meibomian gland infection. The meibomian gland is a tiny gland on the upper and lower lids of a dog's eyelid. Without seeing it in person, or a further description of the bump, I can't say for certain what is causing this small bump. You can try applying a warm compress to the bump if your dog will let you to try to reduce the size of the bump. This will work if the bump is actually a stye. Sometimes infections of the meibomian gland will go away on it's own, but a warm compress might also help with it as well. I would soak a soft wash cloth in warm water, and press it to the bump. I do recommend taking Gerty into your vet in the morning to check what the bump is, as it's always important to have any new bump investigated by a vet. I would do the warm compress on it tonight, and have her see the vet in the morning. Your vet can diagnose what is causing the bump, and how best to treat it.

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    Answered By Dr. Paula Simons


    It would be a good idea to have this bump assessed by a veterinarian. Dogs can get small cysts or growths on their eyelids. Typically these are benign but they can grow to interfere with the normal eye function or start to rub on the eye. Veterinarians generally like to avoid surgery in that particular area, but if the growth needs to be removed, there are safe ways to go about doing it. Your veterinarian will decide whether or not it is best to remove the bump or to monitor it for changes in size.

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