My dog's stomach is making a lot of gurgling noises and he won't eat. He threw up fluids and has been sleeping all day.

Updated On February 3rd, 2015

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Answered By Jessica Desrosiers

Veterinary Technician

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It is possible your dog is experiencing some illness or digestive upset. There are multiple causes, ranging from internal parasites to ingestion of foreign bodies. If your dog is unable to eat and has been [vomiting]( for more than 24 hours, making an appointment with your vet is strongly recommended. You can also try a bland meal of boiled chicken and plain white rice to soothe minor digestive upset. However, if symptoms continue he will need to be examined. Bringing a sample of your dog's vomit or stool to your appointment can help your vet determine if there is a common problem, such as parasites, more quickly. If at any time your dog shows signs of severe distress (gasping for air, an extremely bloated or painful abdomen, attempting to vomit or defecate without success, or pale/blue gums or tongue), it may signal a medical emergency, such as [bloat]( This should be addressed by your veterinarian or veterinary ER immediately if suspected.

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