Updated On June 18th, 2015
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Answered By Jessica Desrosiers 40
Veterinary Technician
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If your puppy has parvo, it is best to work with your treating veterinarian for care and help. Parvo is a very serious illness that can be potentially fatal and usually requires hospitalization or intensive care for treatment.
Diarrhea in parvo can usually be blood-tinged indicating irritation of the digestive tract, or may be greenish in color indicating an increase in mucous in the stool (also a sign of irritation as well as shedding of material in the digestive tract). If your puppy's stool is changing color, it may be in response to the change in his illness or just a sign that his digestive system is still very irritated. It is best to speak with your veterinarian that has seen and is treating him for any further care instructions related to his illness.
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