Updated On June 20th, 2015
Pet's info:
Answered By Debi Matlack 50
Veterinary Technician
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If it has been less than 2 hours since your pet ingested the foreign material, you can induce vomiting by giving an oral dose of hydrogen peroxide, about 1 cc per pound. One tablespoon is about 5 cc. A turkey baster will work if you don't have a syringe. Longer than two hours and it will have already moved into the intestines. Generally, even without the induction of vomiting, your dog is likely to have diarrhea and other intestinal upset from eating so much fish oil at once. Be aware that one of the effects of fish oil in the body is to act as a blood thinner. I have seen dogs ingest much more than your dog did and do fine, but if your dog becomes lethargic, loses her appetite, starts vomiting, please get her seen by your vet right away.
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