Is Xyzal (levocetirizine) safe for dogs with allergies?

Updated On September 3rd, 2015

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Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT

Licensed Veterinary Technician

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Most OTC antihistamines can be used in dogs, however you should **never** give any medications to your dog without the advice of your veterinarian. Legally though, we cannot direct you to medicate your pet in the absence of a physical exam and a VCPR (veterinarian-client-patient-relationship). [Allergies]( can be frustrating to diagnose since they can have multiple causes ([environmental](, [food](, [flea bites](, etc.). Schedule an appointment with your veterinarian. Discuss [food elimination trials]( and [allergy testing]( and if antihistamine use is indicated, he or she can give you a proper dose, The medication may provide some relief but your task is to try to determine what your dog is allergic to and decrease or eliminate it.

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